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如果你不好好学习,你就会成为一个绣花枕头。If you don't study hard , you'll be a dumb blonde.

另一位朋友说,他们的婚姻已堕落为一只“没有爱的绣花枕头”。Another said the marriage had been reduced to a " loveless sham".

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她漂亮极了,但她从不喜欢别人把她看成是绣花枕头。She is extremely beautiful, but she hates others to look on her as an embroidered pillow.

品牌是平庸但又渴望超越小资们的一只绣花枕头。Brand seems like"a embroidered pillow", undistinguished but ambitious to exceed petty bourgeoisie.

海迪·拉玛很痛苦抱怨说,人们因为看了她的面容而假定她是个绣花枕头。Hedy Lamarr complained bitterly that people would look at her face and assume there was nothing behind it.

他们常常给人以绣花枕头草包心的感觉,不讨老板欢心是自然不过的事了。They often give people the feeling of the heart embroidered pillow idiot, not to please the boss is natural to discuss things.

如果"施琅号"和她姐妹情况相同,她将是海军版的“波将金村庄”,只不过是虚有其表的绣花枕头而已。If Shi Lang is anything like her sister, she could turn out to be a naval version of the mythical “Potemkin village” — an impressive facade over a rickety interior.

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他还准备签署一项国防拨款预算法案,目前列出的778项支出要么是“指定用途”要么就是参议员们和1080位众议员们提出的绣花枕头式计划。He is poised to sign a defence appropriations bill that currently has 778 "earmarks" or pet projects from Senators and 1, 080 from members of the House of Representatives.

我把外卖的食品放在两个盘子里,把盘子放在长沙发前的咖啡桌上,与绣花枕头狼藉地堆放在一起——绣花是我妈妈去世前最后的、也是由人误导而拾起的嗜好。I put our take-out food on two plates and set the plates on the coffee table in front of the couch, which is cluttered with badly embroidered pillows—my mother’s final, misguided hobby.

它在这里表示的意思跟英语俗语“虚有其表”和汉语中的“绣花枕头”的意思一样,“绣花枕头”外表很漂亮,可里面却只是填满了干草而已。It’s similar to the English saying “Many a fine dishhas nothing on it” or the Chinese idiom “embroidered pillow,” whichboasts a beautiful cover, but with only worthless dried strawstuffed inside.