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如此爱你,以至于不能自拔!So love you , that I Can't pullout !

或是沉迷在比利·乔的蓝调音乐中不能自拔。Or, even worse, become addicted to Billy Joel songs.

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在实验室里,老鼠会渐渐地对在滚轮上奔跑不能自拔。In the lab, rats can develop an addiction to exercise on a wheel.

有很多人,即使曾经爱到不能自拔,我们总有一天会淡忘。Many people, even if unable to have love, one day we will forget.

在这个世界中许多人都会为它深陷其中不能自拔。In this world many people can for its depth is inescapably involved.

我们的眼睛会非常自然地被对比色所吸引而不能自拔。Our eyes are naturally drawn to contrast, we simply can't help but look!

对于计划的参与者们来说,梦工厂已然身陷困境不能自拔。For starters, DreamWorks has been having trouble getting its studio off the ground.

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现在的我们不再自怨自艾,不会再陷在改变不了的悲剧里不能自拔。There was no feeling sorry for ourselves. No dwelling on things we couldn't change.

每一个陷入困境不能自拔的人,都认为自己没有想拥有的权力和影响。The individual is stuck and feels they do not have the power and influence they want.

期中后,你将只会使自己陷入更大的困境而不能自拔。You will only get yourself into more trouble than you can climb out of by mid-semester.

一不留神就会钻进你的脑海里,折磨得人百感交集不能自拔。Drilling will be a inattentive mind you, find themselves unable to torture people with feelings.

这使得他们沉溺于一个特殊的情感挫折中不能自拔,无法前进。This caused them to get stuck obsessing over a particular emotional setback, unable to move forward.

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王晋琦可能是北京市里最年轻的一位“不能自拔”的爱上公交车的人。Wang is probably one of the youngest in the city to have fallen "helplessly" in love with big buses.

在接下来的几个月里,幼儿园老师詹妮佛几乎在悲伤中不能自拔。In the months that followed, Jennifer, a kindergarten teacher, had been nearly swallowed up by her grief.

最终他就会失去了自己与生俱来的自性,迷失在物欲诱惑的陷阱之中,痛苦一辈子而不能自拔了。Finally, he will lose the inherent self-nature, stranded in trap of temptation, and paining in his whole life.

如果你陷入传统思维方式中不能自拔,使劲想想到底有哪些事情是必须在办公室里完成的。If you are stuck in the traditional mindset, think hard about what things really need to be done in an office.

但有些人能克服,尽管有这些事情发生,他们能避免陷入沮丧和不愉快中不能自拔。But some people are able to make it, to avoid immobilizing depression and unhappiness despite such occurrences.

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接受现实就是简单地承认事情就是那样子,而不去反复思考为什么而不能自拔。Accepting reality simply means that you recognize that it is what it is—without protesting or ruminating about it.

李玟独特的嗓音和R&B唱腔很可能吸引着亚洲和美洲的歌迷许久而不能自拔。Coco Lee's unique voice and R&B sound are likely to keep her Asian and American fans hooked for quite some time yet.

你看网络游戏就像海络因,吃多了会上瘾,人会沉迷其中,不能自拔。You look online games like the sea for more, eat winder will addictive, and indulge in it, unable to extricate themselves.