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在该系统中,经纱被送入织机。In this system, the warp yarns are fed to the loom.

经纱工卷取,纬纱式卷取,复合式卷取,组合式卷取。Warp wind, weft wind, compound wind, combined wind.

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经纱接头是织造厂的另一个成本因素。Warp-tying is another cost factor in the weaving mill.

保持织机经纱张力的恒定是织机的一项关键技术。Keeping the steady warp tension of loom is a key for a loom.

本文对生产纯毛单纱轻薄织物的经纱上浆工艺做于初步探讨。Research work on sizing of light-weighted wool fabric is conducted.

用于编织在一起经纱和纬纱的设备被称为一台织布机。The device used to weave together warp and weft threads is called a loom.

梭子是从梭口的上下两层经纱之间穿过。The shuttle passes over the lowered ends of the shed and under the raised ends.

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指出单纱强力不匀是产生经纱断头的主要原因。Single end strength coefficient of variability is the main reason of breakage end.

探讨一种基于PXI总线的织机经纱张力测试系统的运行效果。Operation effect of test system of loom warp tension based on PXI bus was discussed.

在整经机上设置停车机构是必要的,因为合格的经纱不能存有许多断头。It is necessary to have a stop motion since a good warp should not contain many broken ends.

染色牛津纺系涤棉纱为经纱,纯棉纱为纬纱交织而成的织物。In weaving, lengthwise yarns are called warp and crosswise yarns are called weft, or filling.

经纱可织性一般用织造时的经纱断头率来表示。The weaving performance of yarn is generally expressed in terms of warp breakage rate in weaving.

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喷气织机后梁系统是控制经纱张力和梭口位置的重要装置。Back rest system of loom is the main equipment of controlling the warp tension and sheld location.

因此在布边附近,梭子和经纱之间会存在摩擦。Because of this, some friction will exist between the shuttle and the warp yarns near the selvages.

除了经典的机械动力学问题外,织物和经纱张力同样是重要的研究课题。These analyses are regarded as theoretical basis of dynamic study and the calculation of the machine.

分析时计及梭口两端,织口和停经架处的不同高度和前后移动,考虑到织物和经纱的刚性系数。Different postions and movement of the shed, module of rigidity of fabric and warp were taken into account.

本文应用柔线力学原理分析了开口时经纱的受力状态。According to th mechanics of pliable thread, forces which are applied on warp sheets at shedding were analysed.

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经纱从织轴上退绕下来后穿过停经片,每根经纱穿过一个停经片。After being removed from the warp beam, the end is threaded through a drop wire. There is one drop wire per end.

经纱上浆时浆液常会产生泡沫,影响调浆操作的准确性,最终影响浆纱质量。Size often generates foam when warp sizing, which influences on size mixing operating accuracy and sizing quality.

介绍一种基于虚拟仪器的织机经纱张力测试新方法,并对多台喷气织机的该项指标进行测试。VI-based novel method for testing looms' warp tension was introduced. The properties of multiple looms were tested.