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警方表示,有一个被击毙的人就是策划新德里爆炸事件的主谋。Police say one of the men killed was behind the blasts in Delhi.

如果这些五年级的学生愿意参战,对抗那邪恶主谋的话,我就参加。If grade five students can battle the masterminds of evil, I will.

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经过审讯,他供认了他是这个犯罪团伙的主谋。He confessed that he was the prime suspect of criminal gang on trial.

经过审讯,他供认了他是这个犯罪团伙的主谋。By trial,he confessed that he was the ringleader of this criminal gang.

你是骗子和主谋,你对楚门的做法是病态的。You're a liar and a manipulator and what you've done to Truman is sick.

经过审讯,他供认了他是这个犯罪团伙的主谋。By inquest , he fessed that he was the chief instigator of this crime group.

恐怖袭击的主谋阿萨德·萨瓦尔和阿卜杜拉·艾哈迈德·阿里数次到过巴基斯坦。Plot leaders Assad Sarwar and Abdulla Ali had made several trips to Pakistan.

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6名被告包括涉嫌9/11袭击的主谋哈利德.穆罕默德。The six include Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the suspected mastermind of the attacks.

经过审讯,他供认了他是这个犯罪团伙的主谋。After interrogation, he confessed that he is the mastermind of the criminal gang.

然后明德让人将剑雄和杨秀押了出来,质问他们谁是主谋。Then mingde to males and Yang Xiu stake out the sword, ask them who is the mastermind.

后来,一个名叫斯帕贾利的男子被警方抓获,他自称是这起抢劫案的主谋。Later, a man named Spa jali was arrested, he claimed to be the mastermind of the robbery.

警方怀疑,与基地组织相关的索马里武装分子是背后主谋。Police believe an al-Qaida-linked Somali militant group may have been behind the attacks.

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而且他最痛恨的就是本拉登及其高级主谋哈立德·谢赫·穆罕默德。And he hated no one more than Osama bin Laden and his top operations man, Khalid Sheik Mohammed.

只有“天”才是主谋者,人即便有错也应该责怪天,而不应是责罚人。Heaven is the real chief instigator. Heaven should be blamed for human's fault, instead of human.

当得知炸弹事件的主谋是安妮之后,派手下查理将华小文转移到安全地点。When after the bombing mastermind is Annie, will send his Charlie HuaXiaoWen transferred to safety.

如果说爱情是主谋,那么回忆将是我们凌迟处死的侩子手。If love is mastermind, then cut into pieces will be our memories to be put to death the executioner.

嫌疑犯照片此人乃阿拉伯籍医生,怀疑是英国爆炸案主谋。This man, an Iraqui doctor, is the suspected ringleader behind the recent terror attacks in the U. K.

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但是,这些模型背后的主谋将各获赠拍卖产生的一个精确副本。But the masterminds behind these models will each receive an exact copy of the one produced for auction.

司徒舜知道志坚并非主谋,欲说服他转作污点证人之际,志坚忽然发难逃走。SiTuShun know will not mastermind, to persuade him to turn as a witness, suddenly will revolt to escape.

所以,很难说清楚水汽与低温谁是造成极地中间层云层变化的“主谋”。So far, it’s not clear which factor—water vapor or cooling—is causing polar mesospheric clouds to change.