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贵司薪资预算范围是什么?What is the budgeted salary range?

提拨金可随员工的薪资水准…Contributions can depend on your salary level.

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支持灵活多样的薪资报表的功能。Support the function of flexible salary report.

这个职位的薪资范围是多少?NO10, What's the salary range for this position?

在这一新的薪资弹性化政策中吃亏的是女性。Women have lost out in this new pay flexibility.

层层机构都是为了确保薪资的公平。The apparatus is there to ensure fairness in pay.

为什么大学校长的薪资增长了这么多呢?Why is university presidents’ pay going up so much?

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如有意者请将个人英文简历和薪资要求寄至所述邮箱中。Please send your resume and cover letter both in English.

褐皮书表示,"薪资压力极小或处于控制范围内."Wage pressure were characterized as minimal or contained.

海乘人员的薪资及福利待遇如何?In 4, how much salary and welfare benefits of the sea crew?

人资部助理每个月会分发员工的薪资支票。The HR assistant distributes employee paychecks every month.

薪资助理把头转向一只苍白的脸。The assistant Head of Wages turned a haggard face toward him.

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以后他每个月的薪资呢,我就全部还给你们这些乡民,好不好?All his salary every month, i will give you all villagers, ok?

“有的球队不在乎薪资结构,”Cowens说。"Some teams don't care about a salary structure," said Cowens.

私有化及长期薪资欠款则进一步扩大所得差距。Privatization and pro-longed wage arrears enlarged the income gap.

在Itani和候选人面谈的时候,她会询问他们的薪资史。When Itani talks to candidates, she asks for their salary history.

另一项优先措施是制定一种欧洲薪资政策。Another priority for action would be a kind of European wage policy.

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作为一家公关公司的治理者,我正努力将员工薪资支出削减30万英镑。I run a PR agency and I am trying to cut 300,000 off my salary bill.

||雇员有权享受病假期间薪资仅限于符合规定的病假天数。Qualifying days are the only days for which you are entitled to SSP.

按年计算员工的正常薪资并计算此金额的税收。Annualize the employee's normal wages and compute tax on this amount.