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总是依赖于你的熨斗?Addicted to your flatiron?

把皱纹用熨斗熨平。Smooth wrinkles with an iron.

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现在一个滚热的熨斗来了。And now came the glowing iron.

她用熨斗把他的裤子烫出折来。She creased his pants with an iron.

是的,我用的妈妈的蒸汽熨斗。Yes, I used the steam of mother's hate.

请用一个热的熨斗烫平这件衣服。Please smooth this dress with a hot iron.

这张桌子被熨斗烧焦。The table was badly charred by a flatiron.

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你可以使用蒸汽熨斗。This may be achieved by using a steam iron.

熨斗压在湿布上时发出嘶嘶声。The iron hissed as it pressed the wet cloth.

要熨衣服的话,先得在火上把熨斗烧热。To do ironing , they heated an iron over a fire.

山顶像熨斗阳光下闪亮。Hill-tops like hot iron glitter bright in the sun.

发皱的丝绸可以用熨斗烫平。The wrinkled silk will flatten out if you iron it.

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如果熨斗过热,你会把睡衣烫焦。If the iron is too hot you'll singe that nightdress.

热熨斗和喷雾器也能创造奇迹。A warm iron and a can of spray starch can do wonders.

她在用熨斗烫平她丈夫的夹克衫。She is smoothing out her husband's jacket with an iron.

我可以借用一下你们的熨斗和熨衣板吗?Do you have an iron and ironing board that I can borrow?

我急着拿电话,却错把热熨斗放到耳朵上。I grabbed for it and put the hot iron to my ear instead.

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六点的钟声敲响时,艾奇·斯尼格弗里兹放下了熨斗。At the stroke of six Ikey Snigglefritz laid down his goose.

这好象他知道我的旧熨斗不久会坏似的。It’s as if he knew that my old iron would soon stop working!

接待处可以应您的要求提供吹风机和熨斗。Hairdryers and irons are available on request from reception.