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屋宇署电话热线由「1823电话中心」统筹处理。BD hotline is handled by '1823 Call Centre'.

谁应当领导这场改革及统筹支援?Who should lead change and gather support for it?

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想要什么东西为你统筹安排吗?Do? Want something that will organize you in general?

统筹好了,人生便少了许多遗憾。If well-planned, life will be one with fewer regrets.

负责影视节目的制作统筹管理。Responsible for tv program production and management.

一是统筹好和平与发展的关系。First, the relationship between peace and development.

你要谈到的是,你知道,你能够合理统筹,顾全大局。You talk about, you know, being able to prioritize and manage.

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统筹转换为交流GPS和全站仪之间的数据。Co-ordinate Conversion to exchange data between GPS & Total Station.

对设计主题进行统筹安排并提出讨论观点。Design managers shall arrange and come up with topic for discussions.

一个由政府来统筹规划的国家已经不再被视为令人恐惧了。No longer is the idea of a state-planned society seen as frightening.

统筹推进城镇化和新农村建设。We will balance promoting urbanization and building a new countryside.

该中央组织负责统筹警务处的保护证人计划。This centralised body co-ordinates the Force's Witness Protection Programme.

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世卫组织建议统筹资金和预付费用,例如采用保险方案。WHO recommends financial pooling and pre-payment, such as insurance schemes.

时间银行管理员负责统筹安排联络。The administrator of the bank is responsible for the contact of the two sides.

逐步实现廉租房与公租房统筹建设、并轨运行。Gradually merger the construction of low-rent public housing and public rentals.

亚当寻找新表示,有关服务的使用武力的统筹员说,在最近的一次采访。Adam Cheadle, the service's use of force coordinator , said in a recent interview.

目的评价江西省新型农村合作医疗大病统筹基金的利用效率和公平性。Objective To evaluate the efficiency and equity of NCMS's fund in Jiangxi province.

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二者缺乏统筹协调,它们有时追求的目标相互矛盾。There was a lack of integration and they sometimes pursued incompatible objectives.

对“十一五”建筑节能工作做了统筹部署。"Shiyiwu" work done to co-ordinate the deployment of energy-efficient construction.

该科辖下的海外公共关系组负责统筹政府海外宣传工作。Relations Sub-Division co-ordinates the government's international publicity efforts.