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那份童真至今仍让她怀念。Share of innocence still miss her.

儿童节快乐,永远童真的你!Children's happiness, the innocence you forever!

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所以,当我直面童真的时辰,我才感觉太假,太梦幻了。So, when I face the chelloldhood, I just feel too damn dream up.

那么,我们一起来“找回童真”,回到我们曾经欢笑和玩耍的那个单纯年代。Now, let's return to a simpler time when we all giggled and played.

相信我,我们可以更欢乐,由于童真只是一种态度。Believe me, we can be happier, becauseinnocence is just an attitude.

每个成年人无不在内心深处保有一份童真。Every adult still remains a child somewhere deep in his or her soul.

主要内容是对母爱、童真及大自然的讴歌。Main content is the motherly love, innocence and the nature of the Acura.

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飘散中逝去曾经懵懂的年华,童真般灿烂的笑容已不在。Drift in the passing away was ignorant of Love, innocence like smile no longer.

对于孩子们来说,每一个卡通脚轮都是一个童话故事。童真、童趣随着脚轮滑动。For children, every TENTE castor is an fairy story, and every story? is an Angel.

当我不在的日子里,有它陪伴着你,还有爱、童真和勇气。When I'm away, this bear will be with you, along with Love, Innocence and Courage.

要是弥尔顿也在事业未起步,还未失去童真时就死了呢?What if the virginal Milton were to die ? before he was able to take up his career?

新年快乐,永远童真的你!愿你永远保持一颗童心。Happy New Year, the innocence you forever! May you always keep a childlike innocence.

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这位老师很庆幸自己没有把这孩子的童真抹黑。“冰融化后是春天”多美妙的句子啊!The boy said, The thaw of the ice means the winter is over can spring be far behind ?

二十四岁的童真事业有成,是阳光集团的企划部执行经理。Tong Zhen was an executive manager in the planning department of Sunshine group in her 24th.

从她17岁结婚后,在某些方面来说她一直保留着她内心的童真。She had married when she was seventeen, and in some ways never lost the teen-ager inside her.

评议这是个极其具有想象力的作品,孩子的童真和童趣都得到了充分的发挥。This is a very imaginative art piece, the innocent of Child and his interest has been exhibited well.

二十四岁的童真事业有成,是阳光集团的企划部执行经理。Tong Zhen was an executive manager in the planning department of Sunshine group when she was only 24.

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虽然“沛沛”这个名字充满了童真,但沛沛英语的学习目标确是为成年人设计的。Peipei is a name sounds pure and childlike, however its first group of target readers is actually adult.

杰克逊去世后,麦卡尼形容巨星“天赋卓越,成熟而又不失童真,有着温柔的灵魂”。After Jackson's death, McCartney described the singer as a "massively talented boy-man with a gentle soul".

我也想回到童真的年代,那时的我整天是无忧无虑的,没有那么多的作业,也没有那么多的烦恼。I also want to return to the era of childhood, when my day is carefree, not so much work, not so much trouble.