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本文旨在研究甘肃省“三反”运动的开展情况。This paper aims to study in Gansu province ", the implementation of the "three antis movement.

本文主要介绍了一种可用于设计无遮拦三反射镜变焦系统的方法。A method for the design of an unobscured reflective zoom system with three mirrors is described.

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所设计的三反射镜消像散系统包括两个非球面凹反射镜和一个凸球面反射镜。The threemirror anastigmatic system includes two aspherical concave mirrors and a spherical convex mirror.

常见的离轴三反系统已不能满足系统小型化、轻量化的要求。Three-mirror anastigmat can not meet the requirement of reducing weight and compacting size in some circumstances.

“三反”“五反”运动,是对党内资产阶级思想的很大打击。The movements against the "three evils" and the "five evils" dealt heavy blows to bourgeois ideas inside the Party.

从推理形式、学习过程、学习方式等方面看,“举一反三”和“举三反一”既有区别又联系密切,二者是相辅相成、互为补充的。In fact, these two concepts complement each other at some aspects, such as reasoning forms, learning processes, learning ways and so on.

介绍了一种无中心遮拦的离轴四反射镜系统,由离轴三反系统改进而成,结构更加紧凑。A unobstructed four-mirror anastigmat system was proposed, which was modified based on three-mirror anastigmat and had compacter structure.

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本文主要利用馆藏档案,对天津地委及其所辖县镇的“三反”运动进行探讨。This paper is to probe into the"Against Three-Evil Movement"conducted in Tianjin prefectural Party Committee and its governed towns mainly.

然后,给出利用共轴三反射镜系统初级像差理论,求解初始结构参数的方法和结果。The method and the result to solve the initial structural parameters by means of the primary aberration theory of an on-axis three-mirror system are given.

新婚姻法的宣传实施工作是与其它社会改革,如土地革命、禁烟禁毒运动、废娼运动、三反五反运动等同步开展的。Chinese people implemented the new marriage Law with other social reforms such as the agrarian revolution, the anti-smoking campaign, the abolitionist movement at the same time.

利用条纹泽尼克系数与赛德尔像差的关系,在三反镜光学系统的出瞳面上,用条纹泽尼克系数来表示系统的波像差。According to relation between fringe Zernike coefficients and Seidel aberration, wavefront aberration in the exit pupil of optical system is instead with fringe Zernike coefficient.

甘肃省虽地处西北、交通闭塞,但仍迅速的组建了“三反”运动的特设机构——甘肃省节约检查委员会。Although in Gansu province is located in the northwest, traffic block, but still quickly established "antis movement" movement of the AD hoc agencies-the Gansu save examination committee.

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三反应器分别处理着以丙酸、丁酸和混合脂肪酸为基质的废水。Five sets of perturbation experiments were conducted at 37 ℃ in three anaerobic complete_mix reactors treating wastewaters containing propionate, butyrate and mixed_fatty_acids, respectively.

继菅直人的讲话后,政府发言人由纪夫透露,尽管海水被抽入用于冷却福岛核电厂的第三反应炉,但是仪表没有显示水位上升。Speaking after Mr Kan, government spokesman Yukio Edano said that although seawater was being injected into reactor3 at the Fukushima plant to cool it, gauges were not showing the water levels rising.