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这就是白色,它是一个违例。There's the white, it's a violation.

在板球中,投球违例要失一分。In cricket, a no ball reckons as one run.

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运动员在防守过程中由于违例而被裁判吹哨。The referee whistles a technical fault for the digging player.

发球运动员由于违例而被裁判鸣哨。The referee whistles a technical fault for the serving player.

当然,并非所有交通违例事件包括在此制度。Of course, not all traffic offences are covered by this system.

打全场练习赛时有人运球就算违例。During full court scrimmages make it a violation when a player dribbles.

接发球运动员违例而被裁判鸣哨。The receiving player commits a technical fault penalized by the referee.

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违例了!他在罚球区内逗留时间超过了三秒。A violation! He's remained in the free-throw lane for longer than three seconds.

尽管已经对违例产业采取了联邦行动,环保仍任重而道远。Despite federal actions against the offending industries, much remains to be done.

特委裁判官负责处理普通案件,例如乱抛垃圾及轻微交通违例事项等。Special Magistrates handle routine cases such as littering and minor traffic offences.

这可能是网络错误、服务器实现错误或安全性违例错误。This could indicate a network error, a bad server implementation, or a security violation.

伍德说,“我们只要在比赛中不犯规不违例,史纳皮是没有理由可以刁难我们的。We've just got to make sure we play a clean game, so Snape hasn't got an excuse to pick on us.

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但是你们能看到那有,即使他们有绿色的,他们有称之为没有认定的违例。But you can see there's, even though they have green they have what are called noncited violations.

一名球员抓住球篮而对球作操弄,就是干扰球违例。A player grasps the basket to play the ball. This is valid also after the ball has touched the ring.

明显地,如果你违反了技术规格,违反了你的研究,违例了。Obviously if you violate your technical specifications, violate your requirements, you have violations.

肯德基的管理人员已经依照联邦传播委员会的命令撤下违例的电视广告。In compliance with the FCC's orders, KFC executives have pulled the offending ads from television airwaves.

如于本通知书发出日期起计21天内缴付定额罚款,即可解除就有关违例事项所须负的法律责任。Liability for the contravention can be discharged by paying the Fixed Penalty within 21 days of the date of issue.

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裁判没有给我们一个任意球和给对方越位。每一次的处罚都是明显针对我们除了对方的边线球违例。The referee did not award one free kick or offside to us. Every decision went against us except for the foul throws.

发球时,发球员和接球员双方同时违例,裁判会判重发球。"If during service, the receiver and server are Both faulted at the same time, a "let"shall be called by the umpire. "

首先,请注意,偷偷带酒到卖酒的地方几乎都是非法的——重大的酒法规违例。First, please note that sneaking booze into places that sell liquor is almost always illegal—a big liquor code violation.