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凝脂奶酪海岸地。Past shores of clotted cream.

温泉水滑洗凝脂。Soft spring water washes her greasily smooth skin.

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她的肌肤如凝脂般柔滑,像最纯净的珍珠。Her skin is as smooth as oil, like the purest pearl.

华清池,洗凝脂,水尚温,人呢?Huaqing Pool, wash DiorSkin, water still warm, people?

在美容院专业护理使用肤如凝脂消袋护眼套装。Use Silky Skin Pouch-Removing Eye Protection Package in beauty parlor professional nursing.

以稠如凝脂、味甜纯正、清洁无杂质、不发酵者为佳。With thick as coagulate fat, sweet taste pure, clean without impurities, no fermentation is preferred.

迪奥凝脂保湿粉饼专柜替芯的价格是多少呀?How many is that the moisture-preserving powder cake of Diao congealed fat special counter replaces the core price?

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你看看公主,唇红齿白,肤若凝脂,秀发如瀑,你忍心让她死去吗?You see, Snow White, whose lips are red as roses, hair black as ebony, skin white as snow. Do you have the heart to let her die?

苯胺一种无色多油有毒的苯衍生物,C6H5NH2,用于制造橡胶,染料,凝脂,药物和油漆。A colorless, oily, poisonous benzene derivative, C6H5NH2, used in the manufacture of rubber, dyes, resins, pharmaceuticals , and varnishes.

传说女王使用该护肤秘方后,肌肤疾病很快痊愈了,不仅未留下疤痕,且肤如凝脂,浑身散发出阵阵幽香。It was said that the skin of the Queen cured in short time after using the products without scars, and skin also becomes ivory with faint fragrance.

微透明至半透明,极少数透明,呈珍珠光泽、凝脂光泽、玻璃光泽。Some assume sub-translucent, other semi-translucent, yet few are found transparent, each beaming a luster of crystalline pearl or watery cream or vitreous body.

春寒赐浴华清池,温泉水滑洗凝脂。侍儿扶起娇无力,始是新承恩泽时。Spring cold give shower central nation clear pond, hot spring water slippery wash jade, servant handle up soft no power, start is new receive thankful everglade time.

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她肤如凝脂、容颜俏丽、气质沉静,这是神与自然的力量所结合的美。Venus' smooth skin, gorgeous appearance and elegant temperament embody beauty and provide a point of connection between the forces of the gods and the forces of nature.

有效阻隔阳光反射、电视、电脑等有害辐射及紫外线,多重修复受损细胞,并使得肌肤逐渐呈现如同凝脂般的白皙。Effectively protect skin from harmful radiation and UV from sunlight, TV and computer, powerfully repair damaged cells, and make skin white and clear after persistent use.

月光轻托这凝脂般的玉瓣,融融的馨香随着清辉升华,好一派如水的月融花啊!Moon is entrusting the lily and pure flower petal gently soft and soft fragrance is subliming along with distinct shine, hoe wonderful the watery moonlight and flowers are!

云想容,生来美目顾盼,颊似朝霞,肤若凝脂,九岁隐现倾国倾城之貌,诞生就被赐封为太子妃。Cloud want to let her eyes animatedly expressive, born beauty, like the sunset, skin if buccal coagulate fat, nine years old of America laguna looms renderings birth given sealing for crown princess.