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不要使用手写体。Do not use any script fonts.

在手写体的事件或大的秋天不可能工作。May not work in scripted events or large falls.

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手写体在粒子的创造区段中被取消!The script is recalled in the Creation section of particles!

把前面3个和最后一个相比较,没错,这才是手写体。Compare the first three letters with the last 'n'. That's a real cursive.

在对限制书写的手写体数字而言,该模型同样行之有效。As for script number which restrict calligraph , the model also does well.

手写体如今偶尔在第一手稿和感谢信这些特殊情况下会被派上用场。It is used for special things, for first drafts of books and thank-you notes.

采用了一种基于笔道方向的手写体数字识别的方法。The method of handwritten digit recognition based on written direction is adopted.

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汉语拼音字母有手写体和印刷体两种体式。There are two forms of the Chinese phonetic alphabet, the cursive and the printed.

构建一种基于反馈结构的手写体汉字识别系统。A system of handwritten Chinese characters recognition based on feedback structure is constructed.

校园中每一张海报,抽屉上的每一张标签,都是漂亮的手写体。Throughout the campus every poster, every label on every drawer was beautifully hand-calligraphed.

校园里的每一张海报、每个抽屉上的每张标签,都是优美的手写体。Throughout the campus every poster, every label on every drawer, was beautifully hand calligraphed.

写手写体的年轻人正急剧减少,只有在签名或签发小额支票时才会用上手写体字体。Young people are swiftly losing cursive, using it only to sign their names or write the odd cheque.

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即使是那些教授手写体字体的学校,所有的练习也很快通过用键盘输入代替“手写”完成,以至于这种书写技巧永远也无法形成气候。Even where taught, it is so soon replaced by typing, for all assignments, that the skill never sets.

脱机手写体识别是字符识别中的难点之一,日文中的平假名类似于中文的手写体草书。Hiragana is similar to Chinese cursive writing which is a difficult topic in character recognition field.

如果我放松写字的手,使那个s更加圆滑和规整,有一点像我母亲的手写体,写出来的s会非常好。If I relax my hand a bit and make the s’s round and loopy, a bit like my mom’s, they come out much better.

用神经网络识别手写体数字,大多数采用的是单个的神经网络结构。Most of the neural network handwritten digits recognition systems adopt a net- work with single structure.

不仅说话已经在我家消失了,手写体也成为濒临灭绝物种。It's not just speech that is disappearing in our house. The handwritten word is an endangered species, too.

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将模糊特征提取技术与区组设计前馈网络相结合用于手写体数字识别。Fuzzy feature extraction and block design feedforward networks are employed to recognize handwritten digits.

把这种动态组合方法具体应用到手写体数字的识别中,实验结果同样证实了它的可行性。This method is applied in hand-written number recognition and experiment results also approve its feasibility.

结果横过手写体用中国个性获得视觉的技术双向性协会。Results suggest a bidirectional association of visual skills with Chinese character acquisition across scripts.