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租一架照相机倒也不坏。That's not a bad idea.

你需要更大的照相机。You need a bigger camera.

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这台望远镜拥有三台高灵敏度的红外照相机。sensitive infrared cameras.

这个照相机漏光。The camera has a light leak.

你怎么给这个照相机上胶卷?How do you thread the camera?

这架照相机太旧,不能用了。The camera is too old to use.

这三架柯达照相机要多少钱?How much are the three Kodaks?

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我有一架摹镜头反射式照相机。I've got a single-lens reflex.

照相机不再为你工作了。Cameras no longer work for you.

它带有一个500万像素的照相机。It's got a 5 mega-pixel camera.

我有一架单镜头反射式照相机。I have get a single-lens reflex.

“把照相机给我,”他朝我做着手势。Give me your camera, he beckoned.

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这架照相机是新的还是旧的?Is this camera new or secondhand?

这照相机非常好用。The camera is very user-friendly.

咧嘴一笑是笑给照相机镜头的。The grin is a grin for the camera.

这照相机非常容易用。This camera is very user-friendly.

我丢了照相机心颂意乱的。I'm distracted by losing my camera.

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我有一架单镜头反射式照相机。I've got a twin-lens reflex camera.

耶西,看,这是我的新照相机。Look, Jesse. This is my new camera.

移动照相机会使照片摸湖不清。Moving the camera fuzzes up photos.