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经济脱钩,并非一个神话。Economic decoupling is not a myth.

新兴经济体步履蹒跚,“脱钩论”遭到了奚落。Emerging economies reeled and decoupling was ridiculed.

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当你捕捉的对象,只需触摸对象脱钩了。When you catch an object, simply touch the object to unhook it.

在这个紧密相联的世界里,先进经济体与新兴市场的“脱钩”只不过是一种幻想而已。In our inter-connected world, any thought of decoupling is a mirage.

但不论亚洲是否脱钩,中国都不算特别依赖出口.But whether Asia is decoupling or not, China is not so dependent on exports.

“这一行业正在将对数据的访问与物理位置进行脱钩”,他说。“This industry is de-linking access to data from physical location,” he says.

如何降低鸢乌贼的脱钩率成为今后钓捕技术的重要研究内容。The important studying topic is how to reduce the jigging-off rate in the future.

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这段历史暗示着人民币与美元脱钩会对美国贸易逆差收效甚微。It indicates that de-linking the yuan would make barely a dent in America’s trade deficit.

政府已把人权问题与对不发达国家的经济援助脱钩。The administration has delinked human rights from economic aid to under developed nations.

脱钩论在2007年到2008年中曾经是主流,在2008年秋天以后破产,但现在换了一种形式又回来了。The decoupling theory was once mainstream from 2007 to 2008, but defunct after last autumn.

近年来,关于大学英语四级与学位是否脱钩的问题出现了激烈的争论。Nowadays, there is a heated topic concerning the relationship between CET-4 and Bachlor Degree.

而我想要的一个与容器脱钩、可用于任何我选择的环境中的会话。I needed something that could be decoupled from the container, usable in any environment I chose.

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当然,我们需要把“脱钩或再挂钩”整个概念放在合适的背景之下。Of course, the whole notion of "de or re- coupling" needs to be put into the appropriate context.

下降速度如此之快,吹散了所有有关全球增长脱钩和重新同步的言论。The downdraft was so brutal it blew away all talk of decoupling and resynchronised global growth.

从1971年美元和黄金脱钩起,我就在考虑这个泡沫的产生了。I was concerned about the building of the bubble since 1971 when gold was delinked from the dollar.

改革计划还没能涉及让医院所有权人与负责监管它们的政府机关和政府人员脱钩的问题。The reforms also fail to delink hospital ownership from the bureaus and officials who regulate them.

鱿鱼的腕足断裂强度是影响鱿钓脱钩率的重要因素。Broken strength of arms and tentacula of squid is a significant factor affecting the jigging-off rate.

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香港的街市可能将逐渐消失,但是如此灵活的定价可能使港币不必与美元脱钩。Hong Kong’s street markets may be dying out, but such flexible pricing may save the link to the dollar.

标准摩擦适合关闭的问题,突然关闭或脱钩微波加热过程中。Standard friction-fit closures have the problem of popping off or disengaging during microwave heating.

派驻人员工资福利与企业脱钩,受安监局直接领导。Accredits the personnel wages and welfare and the enterprise gets unhooked, An Jianju direct leadership.