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但大家都期待我们弥合这些分歧。But you expect us to bridge those differences.

可以使用什么解决方案来弥合这些差距?What solution can be used to fill in the gaps?

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可是二人的感情却不断无法弥合。But two people's feelings but one-the rule unceasingly.

吵过架以后,这对年青夫妇便尽力弥合,言归于好。After quarrelling, the young couple did their best to make it up.

和谈就是为了化解矛盾、弥合分歧。The purpose of peace talks is to defuse conflict and narrow difference.

弥合模型和事实之间的差距光靠这些视乎不够。Filling the gap between model and reality may need something besides this.

父母和青少年双方必须尽力弥合代沟。Both parents and teenagers must try to bridge the generation gap between them.

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两个阵营需要找出一个可以弥合分歧的过渡性人物。Both camps need to find a transitional figure who can bridge their differences.

宪法的文化变迁弥合差距,重新定位。Shifts in the Culture of a Constitution—Closing the Gap and Re-drawing the Map.

无氧耐力还体现在有单枪匹马弥合差距能力的车手身上。AE is also present in the rider who is capable of single-handedly bridging a gap.

魔法团体之间的宿怨在战争中加深了,现在正是弥合的时刻。Long-standing rifts among magical communities that the war widened must be healed.

其中客观的因特网,这是一种弥合数码鸿沟。Amongst the impersonality of the internet, this is a way of bridging the cyber gap.

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他还说,目前德国社会存在一个需要弥合的数码代沟。Still, Scheer said, there was a digital divide in Germany that needed to be bridged.

它弥合了裂痕,有助于实现在不平衡的破碎世界休戚与共的设想。It melds fractures and helps envisage solidarity in our imbalanced and fractured world.

身为领袖,应当怎样弥合自身和员工之间的知识差距?What can leaders do to bridge the knowledge gap between themselves and their employees?

最后通过滚球法弥合肺边缘的裂缝及缺口。Lastly a rolling ball technique was used to remedy the crack and gap in the lung boundary.

他补充说,美俄之间的分歧“只要有足够的政治意愿便可弥合”。U.S.-Russian differences “can be bridged if there is sufficient political will,” he added.

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这是北爱尔兰提供的经验,那里的宿敌弥合了他们之间的分歧。That’s the lesson of Northern Ireland, where ancient antagonists bridged their differences.

差异是客观存在的,弥合差异的最佳方法是采用差异教学策略。Differences exist, and the best way to narrow them is to use difference teaching strategies.

将妈妈咪呀翻译成中文就是为了开始弥合这种隔阂。Translating Mamma Mia! into Mandarin is meant to start the long process of bridging that gap.