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小客体永远无法跨越这个罅隙。The petit a never crosses this gap.

全地球不会流失,应该死亡并并非一个罅隙。The state did not leak since death is not a crack.

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后来,丽莎又不幸掉进到岩石间一口深深的罅隙里。Later, by mischance Elsa falls down into a deep crevice.

生命里留了许多罅隙,在这些罅隙中,送来了死之忧郁的音乐。Gaps are left in life through which comes the sad music of death.

生命里留了很多罅隙,从其中送来了死之郁闷的音乐。Gaps are left in life through whelloch comes the sad music of death.

他们悄然走开遁入空无,试着消除过往的罅隙。They walk away quietly into empty spaces, trying to close the gaps to the past.

她们处在两种文化的罅隙中,带有尴尬的双重"他者"身份。They live between the two cultures and bear an embarrassed double-Other identity.

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当他本人与英国民众之间的关系开始出现罅隙时,问题就出现了。Things went awry when the personal bond between Blair and the British public began to fray.

从某种意义上讲,当代是一个不折不扣的偶像时代,见缝插针的偶像广告,渗透、充斥着我们生活中的每一个罅隙。In a sense, the present age is a " idol age", all kinds of idol advertisement are' full of our life.

在生活与生活密不透风的罅隙间,总有一种情感让人泪流满面。There is always a kind of sensibility which makes me full of tear between the life and the windtight crack.

旧协议的终止和新协议的诞生之间的罅隙将由一些外交上的即兴表演填平。A gap between the death of the old treaty and the birth of the new could be filled by some diplomatic improvisation.

缅甸军人政府此次军事行动使得中国政府受到挫折,同时也说明中缅关系上存在着罅隙。The move, which frustrated the Chinese government in Beijing, sheds light on brewing troubles in China-Burma relations.

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即便建立了民主,系统的罅隙也让人见之心忧,然后民主就随政治失序而幻灭。Even in established democracies, flaws in the system have become worryingly visible and disillusion with politics is rife.

香樟与香樟的故事,什么样?在一抬头一低头的罅隙里有人低声说了话。What about the stories between aromatic camphors ? Someone whispered in the split second of raising and lowering his head.

氤氲的云雾罅隙间,一道口子被拽开,轰地迸射出团团红晕,浸透了世界。Yin Yun cloud gaps between a hole in being Yekai, H-way projection flush out the round and round, saturated with the world.

真理要体现成为一种绝对知识,只有当象徵符号界与真实界完全弥合,中间不再有任何罅隙存在,才有可能。As such it is deduced, it can only be the conjunction of the symbolic with a real of which there is nothing more to be expected.

为此建议,应在刑法上确定一种新的刑种-“相对不定期刑”替代现行“无期徒刑”,以弥补我国现行刑法制度设计上的罅隙。We propose that replace "life imprisonment" to "relative Indefinite Penalty", compensate for China's current penal system in this way.

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我会擘开手指,让光影漫游,触感相纸,只发现颗粒的罅隙而让光线滴穿。I'll spread my fingers and let the shadows run through, feel for the paper, finding only the chinks in the grain and let the light drip in.

糊夏布,是防止木胎拼接出现罅隙纰谬。各地糊夏布之法不同。Pasting Chinese linen is preventing cracks in the wood joints. The methods of pasting Chinese linen are different in pmartial arts disciplines of China.

小国阿塞彊拜可能发挥重要作用,弥合俄罗斯总统普京和美国总统之间的罅隙。The small country of Azerbaijan could play a major role in healing the rift between Russian President Vladimir Putin and President Bush. Putin wants the U.