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英国为了争地,在法国打了很多仗,结果有赢有输。England fought numerously for land in France and ended up winning and losing.

因此几乎不需要进行任何安置工作,也无需为建设这些风电场去争地。So no people needed to be resettled and no land seized to build these wind farms.

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只要能源价格高居不下,在全球范围内,生物燃料的生产都会与粮食生产争水争地。As long as energy prices remain high, biofuels will compete with food for land and water across the globe.

评估生物能源对粮食保障的影响一直把重点过于放在争地的缺点上,而没有考虑到农村发展的潜在收益。have focused too heavily on the drawbacks of competing for land, without considering the potential benefits for rural development.

实现了千百年来围湖造田、与湖争地到大规模退田还湖的历史性转变。It represents a great shift from the centuries-long history of reclaiming farmland from lakes to restoring it to them on a large scale.

例1.实现了千百年来围湖造田、与湖争地到大规模退田还湖的历史性转变。This represented a great shift from the centuries-long history of reclaiming farmland from lakes to restoring it to them on a large scale.

我们再也不能无视水的存在,与水争地、与水争林、与水争胜,我们再也不能为着自己的贪婪和野心,肆意掠夺和蹂躏大自然的水资源了!We can no longer ignore the crisis of water, nor can we rob and ravage water resource of the nature dissolutely for one's own greed and avarice.

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他们强调,在面临粮食安全挑战的地方不应当生产与粮食生产争地争水的生物能源作物。Bioenergy crops that compete with land and water for food production should not be grown in areas facing food security challenges, they emphasized.

实现了千百年来围湖造田,与湖争地到大规模退田还湖的历史性转变。The century farmland from lack has been checked. And the Lake-converted plots are being restored to their former statues, which constitutes a change of historic significance.

修复利用废弃巷道和采空区,储存矿山自身产生的废渣和工业废渣,缓解废石场与耕地争地的矛盾。Also abandoned shaft and mined-out area repaired can be used for depositing waste slag from mine itself and other industrial waste to mitigate a contradiction between waste site and cultivation land.