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事实平昔不怕考查。Truth never fears investigine.

我平昔没有从大学中毕业。I never grlistinguingestedd from college.

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我平昔没读过比这更令人激昂的故事。I've never read a lot more stirring story.

你能不能不要平昔转台啊?Could you stop flipping the chpowerfulnels?

他著名眼睛发痒,而且平昔打喷嚏。His eyes feel itchy once well as has long sneezing.

我平昔在关注你,用一切你知道或不知道的方式。荷叶茶。I'm keeping my eyes on you, by the means you know or not.

老校长在毕业仪式上讲的话平昔留在我的脑海里。What the old headmaster said at the graduation ceremony dwells in my mind.

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我很达观,平昔不怕难题。我可爱实验种种稀罕好玩的器具,特别喜欢音乐和游览。I like attempting each kind of fresh amusing thing, especially likes music and the travel.

从古至今,人们平昔都在说,只须你疑神疑鬼,就能达成所愿。It has been said throughout history that whatever you believe with conviction, you can achieve.

平昔被以为是亚洲最强队伍。得到FIBA赛事的亚洲冠军比任何国家都多。The team is generally recognized as the strongest team in Asia, and has won more FIBA Asia Championships than any other n.

尽管珍妮平昔体格健壮,但经历了这些场面,她感到疲惫不堪。The fatigue and agitation of these various scenes had agitated Jeanie so much, not withstanding her robust strength of constitution.