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他问老头儿。he asked the old man.

把这个老头儿带来!Bring in this old man!

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一个瘦弱的小老头儿。A weak small spare old man.

老头儿,你叫什么名字?What is your name, old man?

这老头儿脾气倔。That old man is rather surly.

有个老头儿长着一个鼻子There was an Old Man with a nose

我家老头儿吠得比咬得更凶。My father's bark is worse than his bite.

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有一次老头儿向大海撒下鱼网。Once the old man to the sea and fishnet.

这个老头儿不行了,赶快去找医生。Run for the doctor,the old man is dying.

“老头儿,把你的灯笼点亮,”他说。"Light your lanthorn, old man, " he said.

忽听哗啦一声水响,老头儿吓了一大跳。A sudden splash of water frightened the old man.

他告诉他老头儿安塞尔莫放哨的地方。He told him where the old man, Anselmo, was posted.

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可怜的老头儿,我没料到他还有眼泪。Poor old man, I didn't think he had any tears left.

老头儿沉思不语,看着那投镖板。The old man looked meditatively at the darts board.

丹尼斯被这么一大把年纪的老头儿的敏捷动作给楞住了。Dantes was surprised at the quickness of so old a man.

杰克把米可交给老头儿,然后拿了那些魔豆。Jack gave Milky to the old man, and took the magic beans.

年轻人很高兴地拿了闹钟,谢了老头儿。The young man took the clock happily and thanked the old man.

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那个老头儿每天能慢慢跑10公里,毫无倦容。That old man can jog10 kilometers a day without turning a hair.

这个老头儿与孩子们一起沿着沙滩跑。The old man was running with the children along the sand beach.

老头儿,我们听到的是怎么回事,就是你那个灯笼和老鼠的事?What is this we hear, old man, about your lanthorn and the rat?