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有渊博的古典文学知识。A professor has a fund of knowledge.

有渊博的古典文学知识。He has a competent knowledge of English.

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在古典文学中充满了有关探险的故事。Classical literature is full of adventure.

我最好的一个朋友是古典文学专业的。One of my good friends is a Classics major.

中国古典文学很难懂。Classical Chinese literature is difficult to understand.

科学、物理、数学、中国文学、古典文学……Science, mathematics, Chinese literature and the classics...

宋词是我国古典文学中的一朵琦葩。Song Lyrics is a rarity in the classical literature of China.

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李贽是中国古典文学的评点家。Lizhi is a literature critic of the Chinese classical literature.

可是等父母一离开,我立刻报名学习古典文学。However, as soon as my parents left, I signed up Classical Literature.

他专攻古典文学,旁及历史。He studies classical literature, but also takes an interest in history.

戴眼镜的同学从古典文学课上知道了古典名著的分类。From the classical class, the classmate with glasses knows the classification.

我的老师们给我传授了一些基本的中国古典文学知识,仅此而已。My teachers had given me the basics of classical Chinese, and that's about it.

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我还喜欢古典文学,曹雪芹是我最喜欢的作家之一。I also love classical literature, and Cao Xueqin is one of my favorite authors.

20年前,她入读老年大学专攻古典文学诗词,近7年来已出版3本诗集,目前正着手撰写回忆录。Her poetic works have been published in 3 poetry collections over the past 7 years.

你能跟我们说说你在古典文学课上学到的一个故事吗?Can you tell us about one of the stories that you've learned in your classics class?

虽然弥尔顿在这里谈论的是,对于阅读古典文学的诱惑。Here though, Milton is talking about the temptation of reading classical literature.

宇文所安是以中国古典文学研究而闻名的汉学家。As a sinologist, Stephen Owen is famous for his works on classical Chinese literature.

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战争爆发时她正在牛津大学攻读古典文学学位。She was reading for a degree of classical literature in Oxford when the war broke out.

我是在上中学时才开始获得一点古典文学知识的。It was in middle school that I first learned some knowledge about classical literature.

梵语古典文学是在吠陀和史诗的基础上发展起来的。The classic Sanskrit literature flourished on the basis of the Vedic and Epic literature.