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如果这是加号,这是减号。If this is a plus, this is a minus.

注意,这里你们只会看到加号。Notice you only see plus signs here.

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不对,这里都是加号,但这有个负号No, here both are plus, but this one has a minus.

如此乃重覆传真的礼品换领表格,请于空格内加号。Please put a tick in the box if this is a re-faxed form.

如果它通过各级,这个数字只是后缀与一个加号。If it passed all levels, this number is suffixed with a plus sign.

迪安娜·贝尔斯在卡拉狄加号上为什么媒体做采访?D'Anna Biers conducted interviews aboard the Galactica for what media outlet?

对于域元素,该属性的值必须以加号开始。For a domain element, the value of the attribute must start with a plus sign.

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一个整数文字,后面跟一个加号,再跟另一个整数文字。an integer literal, followed by a plus sign, followed by another integer literal.

哪次任务里该隐上将要求帕嘉索斯号和卡拉狄加号并肩作战?。What mission does Adm . Cain order the Pegasus and the Galactica to take on together?

您可以选择任何一个数据表,并且点击“加号”来创建一个过滤条件。You can highlight any table and then click the plus sign to create a filter condition.

也可以通过输入加号作为单词前缀来获得包含了这两个单词的文档。You can get documents containing both words by entering the plus sign as the word prefix.

你可以使用记忆术来记清它们,我将T看成是加号。And you can use mnemonics to try to keep these straight I see the T as sort of a plus sign.

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根本的激进以及失之偏左就意味着在布什的加号旁边划上一个减号。Essentially being radical and on the left simply means putting a minus next to Bush's plus.

另外的三艘军舰,托尔图加号,艾塞克斯号和日耳曼城号也前往日本展开救援行动。Three more ships, the USS Tortuga, USS Essex and USS Germantown are also en route to Japan.

这些小小的加号和减号是分别用来指出协变和逆变的。Those little minus and addition signs are used to denote contravariance and covariance, respectively.

1966年初越南沿海,美国攻击航空母舰提康德罗加号CVA-14接受舰队运油舰阿什塔比拉号AO-51的补给。USS Ticonderoga CVA-14 refueling from the USS Ashtabula AO-51 off the coast of Vietnam in early 1966.

将取代卡拉狄加号的新太空堡垒作战群的名字是?。What was the name of the battlestar class that was to replace the class represented by the Galactica?

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其中很多都不需要加以说明的,像加号,减号,乘号,除号和?Most of these are probably self explanatory, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and anyone?

因此,如果您保持您的博客登记案件或作家的新观点需要钱,PLR的文章是一个加号。So if you keep your blog register new view of the case or the writer needs money, PLR articles is a plus.

在“账户”菜单中,选择“登录项”标签,点击加号,选择你想在开机时自动加载的程序。Choose the login items tab, click the plus and select the applications you want to automatically start up.