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你撕毁了我画的马!You tore up the horse i drew!

他们不久就撕毁了贸易协定。They soon tore up the trade agreement.

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他很生气,撕毁了合同。He was very angry and tore up the agreement.

他正在用撕毁机撕毁与这个案件有关的材料。He is shredding the documents relating to this case.

刚刚签好的合同他们就把它撕毁了。They ripped up the contract as soon as it was signed.

假如没有什么正当理由,你们不应撕毁合同。You cannot break the contract without any good reason.

我撕毁遗书,坐到车里,发动引擎。I tore up the note, got in the car and started driving.

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特朗普打算撕毁美国创建的全球秩序。Mr Trump intends to rip up the US-created global order.

我们必须马上撕毁印度河水条约。We must immediately scrap the Indus Water Treaty completly.

他弄断了玛丽的笔,玛丽出于报复撕毁了他的作业。He broke Mary's pen and in revenge she tore up his school work.

签署合同的任何一方都无权撕毁合同。No party who has signed the contract has the rught to break if.

一些人仍然在踢打着他的肖像,撕毁着他的宣传画。Some were still kicking at his likeness and tearing up his posters.

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翻录或撕毁的鼻子是一个孩子的最后一道防线有用的攻击。Ripping or tearing the nose is a useful attack for a child's last defense.

北韩方面实际上撕毁了工业园区赖以运作的合同。North Korea is essentially tearing up the agreements that make the zone run.

撕毁社会契约是断不该轻易去做的事情。Tearing up the social contract is something that should not be done lightly.

小倩化身簿仙子相见,一手将情诗撕毁拒绝他的情意。Small qian incarnation book fairy meet, hand to tear to refuse his love poem.

在撕毁自己不满意的诗稿原稿时,海子的表现就是暴怒的。When tearing up his own unsatisfied poetry draft, Haizi's manner was furious.

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爱护公共财物,不准在图书上乱涂乱画。不得撕毁书页。Protect public property. DO not scribble on the pages of books or tear them out.

毅昕当众把合约撕毁,且声言结束与信佳的合作。YiXin tore up the contract in public, and that ended the cooperation with letters.

不用说,这项运动在特克人的灵魂撕毁。It goes without saying that this campaign tore at the very soul of the Teke people.