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重新定义局部铣削的顶角。Redefine corners for local milling.

你可以踢到顶角去You could kick up to the top corner.

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老师给我分派了一个小小的角色,一个同鹿王的儿子斑比比赛顶角“一败涂地”的无名小鹿。The teacher gave me a very small role in the movie.

英国莱斯特市,两只公鹿正在顶角。Male deer use their antlers in Bradgate Park near Leicester, England.

半锥顶角对推力波动特性影响很小。The half-cone-angle has little effect on the oscillation frequency of thrust.

料斗半顶角由实际物料和料斗材料确定。The half vertex angle was determined by particulate solid and hopper materials.

研究了不同圆锥顶角及边壁条件下射流流场。Studies the jet stream field under different point angles and boundary conditions.

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运动的反向时间随太阳的最小天顶角的大小而变化,随太阳活动而变化。The reverse time of the crest motion depends on the smallest zenith angle and on solar cycle.

将复式刀架盘旋转一个等于圆锥体顶角一半的角度。通过摇动复式刀架操纵柄手动提供进给。Rotating the disc of the compound rest with an angle equal to half the apex angle of the cone.

提出了交叉道研究中的一种新的、相对论性的、无奇异性的顶角形状因子。New relativistic and singularity free baryon form factor for crossing channel study is proposed.

每层顶角为仿古挑角飞檐,绿色琉璃瓦覆顶。Angle for each is antique cornices pick angle. It is also covered with the follow-green glazed tile roof.

根据角钢生产特点,探讨了角钢成品孔顶角与孔型腰部的变形情况,提出了对角钢生产中孔型设计的一点体会和心得。Based on prodution feature of angles, the flow of pass apex angle and pass waist for the finished angle was probed.

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文章研究了由于强相互作用引起的夸克电磁顶角的修正。This paper studies the correction of electromagnetic vector vertex of quarks due to the effect of strong interactions.

通过唯象地引入形状因子,研究了顶角修正对传播子鬼点的消除以及自能性质的影响。Using the phenomenological form factors, the effects of vertex corrections on ghost poles and their elimination are studied.

修正后的相干长度总比传统相干长度偏小,因为修正后的天顶角比发射角大。The coherence length revised is smaller than the classical, because the revised zenith angle is larger than the launch angle.

面对佛罗伦萨,首次出战意甲的卡瓦尼替补出场,就在禁区边缘右脚凌空射门打入近门柱顶角。Having come on as a substitute against Fiorentina, he netted a sublime right-footed volley from the corner of the penalty area.

型随行波减阻效果比顶角角度较小的V型稍好,但是如果将V型顶角增大会得到更好的减阻效果。Furthermore, U is a little better than V, whereas, better drag-reduction characteristics can be got by increasing the angle of V.

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作物成熟后,水稻反照率比小麦反照率高约0.04,这主要是受太阳天顶角的影响。When crops are ripe, the mean albedo of rice is 0.04 higher than that of wheat, which is mainly influenced by solar zenith angle.

指出在一定半顶角下设计的“标准”整体流料仓,只适用于很小一部分粉体物料。The'standard' massive flow silos designed with certain half vertex angle was only suitable for a little part of particulate solid.

老师给我分派了一个小小的角色,一个同鹿王的儿子斑比比赛顶角“一败涂地”的无名小鹿。I was cast as an unknown deer that was supposed to lose in a head- butting contest against Bambi, the son of the leader of the deer.