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从此,人们就把这一天当作岁首。Since then, people took this day as.

这整个讨论不妨追溯到008岁首?年月。This whole discussion started back in early 008.

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可是就在11岁首?年月,听听销戒烟产品。电子烟的寒冬却不期而至。But in the early 11, the electronic cigarette is not the winter period and to.

在当代,元旦指公元纪年的岁首第一天。In contemporary, New Year's day, refers to the Christian era at the first day.

而在此之前,元旦一直是指农历岁首第一天的。And before this, New Year's day is always the first day of the lunar year means.

研究给谜一样的老岁首呆症增添了新内容,给研究人员带去了新的试探启迪。This research adds a piece to the Alzheimer's puzzle and provides new leads for researchers.

道岁首节讨论犹太人新年,一个流动的假期系到月报告。Tract Rosh Hashana discusses the Jewish New Year, a floating holiday tied to lunar observations.

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这是18岁首要做的几件事之一,因为,每个人的意见都是有价值的,这是毋庸置疑的。This should be one of the first things you do when you turn 18 because it’s true that every opinion counts.

越来越多的证据剖明维生素B12水平可能与发生老岁首呆症的风险有关。Evidence is mounting that levels of vitamin B12 may be connected to the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.

维珍集团此刻正在筹措着它的第一次载客旅行,它可能尽早在2011岁首或者2012年起飞。Virgin Group is now gearing up for its first passenger journeys, which could take flight in as early as 2011 or 2012.

一种旨在减轻因老岁首呆症而造成的记忆坚苦的基因疗法已在老鼠身长进行了成功的尝试。A gene therapy technique which aims to ease memory problems linked to Alzheimer's Disease has been successfully tested in mice.

眼下正值年未岁首之际,对于一年来我的各方面情况,想再聆听您的指教。Now is not Suishou years, the occasion, for the past year in all aspects of my situation, would like to hear from you appropriate advice.

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落下闳在制定太初历时,改变了旧的历日制度,规定每年以孟春正月朔日为岁首,被汉武帝采用。Luoxia Hong changed the old calendar and made the first month of spring as the beginning of a year, which was employed by Emperor Wu of Han.

当该化学蜗质的水平降低时,健康老鼠的记忆力呈现的症状近似于经由过程人工培育而发生老岁首呆症状的老鼠。When levels of the chemical were reduced, healthy mice developed memory symptoms similar to those seen in mice bred to have a condition similar to Alzheimer's.

比来的一项试验发现,“脑萎缩”,也与老岁首呆症有关,在服用高剂量维生素,搜罗维生素B12的老年人中获灯揭捉缓。A recent trial found that "brain shrinkage", which has been associated with Alzheimer's, was slowed in older people taking high doses of vitamins, including B12.

人们年夜白老岁首呆症与维生素B族有关已经良多若干好多年了。同时,科学家们也知道,人体内同型半胱氨酸含量增高会加年夜中风和老岁首呆症的风险。Alzheimer's has been linked to B vitamins for some years, and scientists know that higher levels of a body chemical called homocysteine can raise the risk of both strokes and dementia.

在接下来的七年中,有17人被诊断为老岁首呆症。研究人员能年夜维生素B12的活性成分含量高或低的区别中得出结论。Over the next seven years, 17 of them were diagnosed with the condition, and researchers were able to work out whether high or low levels of the active component of B12 had made any difference.

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降低老岁首呆症的风险,最强有力的证据,就是拥有健康、平衡的饮食,适度的行为,而且有用节制胆固醇和血压,出格是在中年时代。The strongest evidence we have for reducing dementia risk is to eat a healthy, balanced diet, take moderate exercise, and keep cholesterol and blood pressure in check, particularly in mid-life.