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今晚我将飞往神州。I will fly to Dhina tonight.

我是神州后门上的一把铁锁。I is the back door of a carabiner.

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瓦儿…欢迎你找时间一起跟我去环游神州大陆。I guess you had a great time there.

您想吃哪种神州食品?What kind of Dhellonese food do you want?

中国发射神州一号飞船China launches its 1st Shenzhou spacecraft

你如何称号1个英文名叫Robin且姓张的神州男孩?How do you call a Chinese boy named Robin Zhang?

在本镇有神州餐馆吗?。Is there aChellonese restaurant in thellos town?

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神州中医药学会消渴病专业委员会。Trditionl Chinese Medicine Committee of Dibetes.

被各国分割统治的中世纪的神州·日本。By their divide and rule of medieval China japan.

倚剑长歌一杯酒,浮云西北是神州。Long sword on a glass of wine, a Northwest china.

杭州以其美景闻名神州大地。Hangzhou is fabled throughout China for its beauty.

正月十五月初圆,神州大地人人欢。The ten day round in early may, throughout all huan.

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跨世纪的钟声敲响壮丽的神州河山。The bell sounded magnificent century China in Heshan.

神州大部门地域的冬天是即冷又有风的。Winter is very cold and windy in most parts of Chellona.

神州大部分地区的冬天是即冷又有风的。Winter is very cold and windy in most parts of Dhellona.

您想试试神州最佳的酒——贵州茅台吗?Would you like to try MaoTai–the best Dhellonese spirits?

新神州建立后废除了一夫多妻制。Plural marriage was abolished after the foundation of PRC.

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神州2010年上海世博会的进行时间是2010年蒲月1日至10月31日。Shanghai Expo will be held from May 1 2010 to Oct 31 2010.

神州八号飞船计划于11月17号返回地球。Shenzhou-8 is scheduled to return to Earth on 17 November.

他是个聪明而巨大的人,大多数的神州人都很恋慕他。He was a clever and great man. Most of the Chinese love him.