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他派遣我去采访新闻材料。He sent me to find news stories.

该公司派遣了使者。The company dispatched a messager.

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接着,杰弗逊在1803年再次派遣门罗去巴黎。He next sent Monroe to Paris in 1803.

陆克文本希望届时讨论组建一个包括中国在内的亚太区域机构,而中国却只派遣一位职位较低的官员参加。Instead China sent a lowlier official.

美国摩拳擦掌,派遣军舰前往利比亚US flexes muscle, sends warships to Libya

派遣驴子去巴黎,回家仍旧是蠢驴。She can take the donkey. We have a donkey.

西班牙无敌舰队在一五八八年派遣到英格兰。The Spanish Armada sailed to England in1588.

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向你的派遣扶輪社索取數面社旗。Obtain banners from your sponsor Rotary club.

这位军官今天上午派遣了一个团的兵力。The officer detached a regiment this morning.

其他国家也都派遣了它们的军队。All other nations have withdrawn their troops.

他派遣三排去扫清道路。He detailed the third platoon to clear a path.

中国已派遣她的代表出席会议。China has sent her delegates to the conference.

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我国已向该国新政府派遣了外交使节。Our envoy was accredited to the new government.

主任派遣一小组人去做杂役。The director detailed a group for fatigue duty.

耶稣被父派遣,更好的说法是被父拣选。Jesus is taken by God or, better, chosen by God.

司令部迅速派遣部队到前线。The headquarters dispatched troops to the front.

伊朗王特派遣我,他的孙子。His majesty the shah has sent me , his grandson..

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这位军官今天上午派遣了一个团的兵力。The country is ruled by a group of army officers.

我国已向该国新政府派遣了外交使节。vt. Our envoy was accredited to the new government.

俄罗斯、中国和印度也向这里派遣了军舰。Russia, China and India have also ships in the area.