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她是戏剧界的一位新秀。She is a real find in the theatre.

他就是这样的新秀之一。Rodney Stuckey is one of those rookies.

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他培养了一大批新秀。He nursed a large number of new talents.

这个演出真是新秀集萃。The show is a veritable reservoir of new talent.

Carlesimo换了新秀杰夫-格林来防守科比。Carlesimo switched rookie Jeff Green onto Bryant.

“不败的2006,”新秀达维德李大喊。" Undefeated in 2006, " rookie David Lee shouted.

11月15日,他的文章登上了头条,“最佳新秀?In a November 15 article headlined, "Best Rookie?"

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他和大部分新秀一样,在比赛中还有很多不足。He has many flaws in his game, like most rookies do.

新秀然后进行破坏马戏团面积。The rookies then proceed to destroy the ringside area.

这位年轻的女演员是那年戏剧界涌现出来的新秀。The young actress was the theatrical find of the year.

新秀作者可以注册在ficly.com上投稿。Budding writers can register to contribute at

火箭新秀的希望只有布鲁克斯和兰德里。The only hope that the Rockets rookie Brooks and Landry.

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在我的新秀赛季,我被你们完全冻结。They are the so-called freezing-out in my rookie season.

这么看来,格里芬的新秀赛季含金量更高。In that light, Griffin's rookie season seems even better.

陈赟是出生于1980年代的艺坛新秀。Born in the 1980s, Chen Yun is an emerging Chinese artist.

更新了东部明星,西部明星,新秀挑战赛名单。Updated teams East-West-Rookie-Sophomore for All Star Game.

像大部分新秀一样,梅奥只会变得更好。If anything, like most rookies, OJ has nowhere to go but up.

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激励自己的队友,不管他们是老兵还是新秀。Encouraging his teammates, both the veterans and the yearlings.

中国打算接替英国成为海上霸主弄潮新秀。China plans to take over from Britain in ruling the Olympic waves.

斯科拉和兰德里与新秀多西和坎贝尔对抗。Scola and Landry rookie with the multi-West confrontation and Campbell.