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从此我的生活完全变了样。My life has changed.

从此人有了原罪。Original sin, people.

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从此一去不复返回。And will never come again.

那个火炬从此再也没有开放。The torch never re-opened.

从此,她再也没有给我来过电话。She did not call on me again.

素食论的虚伪,从此可以略见一斑。The hypocrisy of vegetarianism.

我从此更爱夹竹桃。I love oleander more from now on.

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从此眼泪成海,暗自伤。From tears into the sea, was hurt.

并从此而获得了新的〝用〞,新的神通。We gain new "use" and new theurgy.

从此,退下旧的,换上新的。From then on, back to the old, new.

太阳系从此有了九大行星。The Solar System now had 9 planets.

从此,人们就把这一天当作岁首。Since then, people took this day as.

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我自己也要从此亡命天涯了。And, I will also run for my own life.

从此,天晴时两人就出去打猎。Hence, they went hunting in fine day.

一类新的旅行者从此诞生。A new kind of traveller had been born.

空中加油从此奠定了它的地位。Air-to-air refueling was here to stay.

从此迪卡尼奥再也没有获得机会。Di Canio never played for Milan again.

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这席话从此改变了我的生活。It has changed the way I try and live.

从此,我从一个准金领阶级成为了创业者。It was then, I became an entrepreneur.

他从此将会刻苦学习。He will study harder from this time on.