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我们一起来念儿歌。Let's read a chant.

下雨和哎呦的儿歌。Rain ank ouch ouch chant.

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现在就让我们来学一首儿歌。At last, let's learn to say a rhyme.

今天,我们要学一首儿歌。Today we're going to learn an English anthem.

想给你的新生儿读读儿歌“小矮胖子”?Want to read “Humpty Dumpty” to your newborn?

关于这首儿歌的起源,有几种不同的版本。There are several versions of this song's orgin.

张开了可爱的小嘴儿歌唱着“哈,哈,嘻!”With their sweet round mouths sing "Ha, Ha, He! ""

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我正在唱一首可爱的儿歌——我是一匹草-泥-马!I am singing a cute children’s song — I am a grass-mud horse!

“一闪一闪小星星”......我们都会唱这首古老的经典儿歌。Twinkle twinkle, little star"—we can all sing the old nursery classic.

听起来似乎这样的装置像是哼著受欢迎的儿歌。It almost sounds like this device is humming a favorite children's tune.

白昼,她在我脚下向我低语,永夜,她和着我的梦儿歌唱。She speaks to me under my feet all day, she sings to my dreams all night.

在给他们一行行的讲解儿歌之前,我先教会他们一些新单词。I taught them the new words first, before teaching the chant line by line.

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讲乏了,给我唱儿歌,拉回了我的思绪。Talk about lack of, give me singing children's songs, back to my thoughts.

还记得儿歌里面是怎么唱的吗?Remember that nursery rhyme about what little girls and little boys are made of?

孩子,你忘了我们练习几百回才学会的第一首儿歌吗?Child, do you remember the first baby song which we practiced for hundreds of times?

这个人风靡全球的时候,他还在幼儿园里背著手唱儿歌。This person has swept the world, he is still kindergartens singing children's songs.

在周四,我讲解了教材第八页、第九页的词汇和第十页的儿歌。On Thursday, I introduced them vocabulary found in pages 8-9 and the chant on page 10.

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附儿歌曲谱,方便教师自行弹奏,与幼儿一起唱咏。Scores are provided. Teachers can play the piano and sing the songs with the children.

不仅学到了很多新单词和对话、而且还学会了许多好听的英文儿歌。I not only learned many new words and dialogues, but also learned a lot of English songs.

能有幸成为下一首由布鲁克林最蹩脚的小说家执笔写成的英语儿歌的主角?Will be the subject of the next nursery rhyme Penned by Brooklyn's lamest fiction writer.