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他在深思我的话。He meditates my remark.

所以请大家对此深思。So I leave you with that.

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她眉头紧锁地深思着。Her brows knit in thought.

她深思地凝视着远方。She stared thoughtfully into the distance.

归乡的路上你深思不语,同乡说你一定是想起童年了。You must be thinking about your childhood.

沉溺在深思中,我没听到电话声。Lost in deep thought, I didn't hear the phone.

令人深思的方式有很多种,挖掘真实、活生生的情感就是一种。There are different ways of being challenging.

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深邃的孤寂中,那深思而纠缠的阴影。Thinking, tangling shadows in the deep solitude.

我睁大了眼,紧裹在深思中。Eyes wide open now, I became immersed in thought.

可以以此观念为例深思一段圣训。Pondering on one hadith can exemplify this notion.

说也奇怪,这种局面倒促使他深思起来。In some odd way, the face assisted his ruminations.

这都是令我们深思的问题。This is all the problem to make us thinking deeply.

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图表揭示的内容确实令人深思。What the chart reveals is indeed thought-provoking.

看看那些叹为观止的电影和引你深思的电视节目。Watch breathtaking movies and mind-bending TV shows.

为何从这里陷入深思?Why is this the moment to enter into that meditation?

他的方法是创新的和令人深思的。His approach is both innovative and thought-provoking.

但是他们也呈现了我们一个深思的机会。But they are also presented with a chance to contemplate.

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今天没有热,有点冷。在这样的一个夜晚,我深思了许多。Today, no heat, a bit cold. In such a night, I thought a lot.

是什么因素造成这种停滞不前的现象,这个问题值得我们深思。What caused this stagnancy is an issue for us to ponder over.

一部优美、令人深思却又以欢笑来装饰寂寞的佳片。A delicate, thoughtful and often hilarious take on loneliness.