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在自励系统中,个体对未来结果的预期构成了个体行为的基本动力。In self-motivation system, the expectation of results is the main motivator.

介绍一种电容自励式无刷单相同步发电机空载电势的计算方法。Presents a calculating method for no-load, voltage waveform of the generator.

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我们照片富有经验、事业心和高度自励的技术销售代表。We seek skilled , enterprising and highly motivated technical sales representatives.

专业师是专心致志,自励,有献身精神的人。The specialist is one of those single-minded, self-starting, dedicating kind of people.

要来点自励!”专家建议说,“认识到这个需求,就能改变负面形象。”Experts suggest changing this negative picture by recognizing the need for some self-promotion.

自励磁条件和自励磁暂态过程是研究自励磁的两个方面。The self excitation conditions and the transient process are two aspects for studying self excitation.

自励,自律,性格外向,具备良好的人际沟通技巧。富有挑战精神,责任心强,适应加班。Self-motivated, disciplined and proactive personality with excellent interpersonal and communication skills.

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简要介绍自励式可控饱和电抗器的电路、结构和特性。The circuit topology and fundamentals of self-excited controllable saturated reactors are briefly introduced.

自励诗和自悼诗的思想倾向有单一和驳杂之分。There is difference of single and heterogeneous in incline of the self-urge poetry and the self-sorrow poetry.

主要分析和介绍一种相对简单、便宜的作为试验负载设备用的电容自励异步发电机负载设备。This paper introduces a simple and cheap load test equipment—asynchronous generator self-excited by the capacitor.

哈佛直通车ECAT让那些有热情,好奇和自励的人实现潜力成为可能。Ivy Shuttle ECAT makes possible for those who have the passion, curiosity and motivation to realize their potentials.

本文分析了自励和他励双馈同步感应发电机的运行性能。This paper explores the performance of the self excited and external-excited doubly fed synchronous-induction generator.

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由于气动力因素,风载重对桥梁最显著之影响,就是自励振动现象与乱流效应。Among the aerodynamic problems induced by turbulent wind, flutter and buffeting have been known as the most prominent ones.

自控及自励能力强,重视团体合作精髓,乐于迎接新的挑战。Self-control and self-excitation ability is strong, pay attention to group cooperative soul, glad to meet the new challenge.

后来,人们用它来形容人刻苦自励以达到自己定下的目标。Later, people use it to describe one who endures self-imposed hardships to strengthen one's resolve to realize one's ambition.

黑启动过程中有可能发生的机组自励磁问题是决定黑启动恢复方案是否可行的关键因素之一。Whether the generator's self-excitation takes place during black start is a key factor for determining feasibility of restoration schemes.

对自励磁发电过程进行计算,确定自励磁建压工作点。Calculated the parameters of self-excitation generating process and confirmed the working node where could making voltage of self-excitation.

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短短的三年里,我始终以“天道酬勤”自励,积极进取,立足扎实的基础,对专业求广度求深度。In a short span of three years, I always "descend" self-stimulation, proactive, based on a solid foundation for the professional breadth for depth.

建立了自励感应发电机不对称运行时的数学模型,该模型避免了繁琐的公式推导,易于数值分析。Mathematic model of non_symmetry operation of self_induction generator is established to avoid complex formula deduction and easy to analyze digitally.

分析、讨论了感应发电机功率因数的改善和感应发电机的自励现象、控制、保护以及感应发电机运行中常见故障原因及排除方法。The design analyzes the improvement of power factor, the phenomenon of self-excitation, the way of control and protect, and the reasons of usual problem.