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你这庸医!You quack!

我从不相信那些庸医。I never trust those stupid doctors.

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庸医杀人不用刀。A charlatan murders without a knife.

她发现那人是个庸医。The quack was stormed with questions.

她很可能会被那些庸医给骗了。She might be taken in by those quack doctors.

庸医,我吃的药怎么光催眠不顶事呢?Quack, I eat how light hypnotic drugs is not the top at all?

所谓的循证医学已经成为当今的庸医骗术。So-called "evidence-based medicine" has become modern-day quackery.

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每一应公用厕所都有治淋病的庸医的招贴。That quack doctor for the clap used to be stuck up in all the greenhouses.

哪怕他们说的是对的,人们也会抨击他们身上,把他们喊作庸医。And everybody pounces on them and calls them a quack, even though they are right.

艾瑟和艾达解雇了凯迪公公老特维德普请来的庸医,请来亚伦医生帮忙诊断。Esser and IDA fired kaidi father-in-law old Depp invited his quack, Aaron, please help doctors diagnose.

而我正是因此选择了1690年代的伦敦,哪怕那儿有假发、庸医和煤烟的臭味。And that's what draws me to London in the 1690s, despite the wigs, the quack doctors and the stink of coal smoke.

该吠声理论认为,原始的语言,模仿自然的声音,如动物的呼声一样,庸医,杜鹃。The Bow-wow theory sees primitive language as an imitation of natural sounds, such as the cries of animals, like quack , cuckoo.

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我们常说庸医害人,而设计不周严的政策也同样的会贻害百姓。这些都可说是知识不够周延的后遗症。We say that bad doctor kills patient. Inconsiderate policy afflicts people too, which is the sequela of premature knowledge we applied.

相反,如果你得到的信息来源于大众媒体,例如医生发生了治疗不当发生而引起的索赔,它也不会对你区分好医生和那些庸医有任何实质性的帮助。Turns out that the public information you can get, such as malpractice claims, doesn't really help separate the great doctors from the crummy ones.

一些谬论我不会提议,虽然我已调查了这些谬论,因此我知道庸医所说的“乔公众”是什么意思了。The fallacies of the fringe will not be proposed, although they have been investigated by myself, so I know what the quacks are telling "Joe Public".

他们这样做是为了把自己与那些提供抗衰老产品和疗程的吹牛大王和庸医区分开来,那些产品都是无效的,甚至是有害的。They did so in order to distinguish themselves from charlatans and quacks who purvey anti-aging products and treatments that are ineffective and sometimes harmful.

庞达虽然起先想出卖埃瓦赞以获得巨额赏金,但后来发现与这个杀人庸医合作有利可图。Though Baba first intended on turning in Evazan for the sizable bounty on his head, he came to discover that partnering with the killer quack was a profitable venture.

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有些病人仍然抱着能进入著名的大医院接受治疗的希望,而另外一些人已经求救于私人医生,甚至是街头庸医了。Some patients have continued to cling to the hope of getting treatment in major and famous hospitals, and others have turned to private doctors or even to some street peddles.

“庸医杀人,”老提克愤怒地说,“各位,我们从这些幼稚的杀人骇行中,除了知道愚蠢披着科学的外衣为害以外,并没有学到什么东西。"Murder by a sophomore, "Old Tick pronounced wrathfully . "Gentlemen, we have learned nothing from these infantile crimes other than that science and stupidity go hand in hand.

有些病人仍然抱着进入著名的大医院接受治疗的希望,而另一些人已经求救于私人医生,甚至是街头庸医了。Some patients have continued to cling to the hope of getting treatment in major and famous hospitals, and others have turned to private doctors or even to some street quacksters.