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她说这是老礼数。She said that was an old tradition.

你的信息一定要真诚,有礼数。Be genuine and polite in your message.

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当您试着要不失礼数时的笑容。A smile when you are trying not to be rude.

只是礼数绝不可少。It is courtesy only absolutely cannot little.

不过,她尽了礼数就行了。However, she has already exerted a gift number to go.

对凯撒的使臣,我们可要礼数周全。We must show all honours to the ambassadors of Caesar.

此次奥巴马白宫团队在接待胡主席时可谓礼数周到。The Obama White House is rolling out the proverbial red carpet for Mr. Hu.

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这些靛蓝儿童不会对旧有的礼数课本教学法顺从遵守。These Indigo children will not conform to the old ritual text book teachings.

对上级谦恭是义务,对同级谦恭是礼数,对下级谦恭是杰出。To be humble to superiors is duty, to equals courtesy, to inferiors nobleness.

现在的我们痛斥礼数,试图摆脱所有的禁锢。Now we have denounced the etiquette, trying to get rid of all of the detention.

她们的一生常常受制于礼数教条,自由遥不可及。With life often limited by rules and restrictions freedom for women was a rare commodity.

一些人需要相当多自信和礼数,像是繁忙时,停止同别人谈天。Some require a lot more confidence and suave, like stopping to talk to people during a busy event.

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懂得些许礼数的开发人员大都因为这类行为而撤出或离开项目。Developers with even a bit of decency have pushed back or even left projects over this sort of behavior.

比如写专业的商务邮件,有礼数地应答客户打来的电话等等。For example your boss will expect you to know how to write a professional email and answer the phone properly.

即使食用全羊宴席,也要先在羊头抹一点黄油,以示奶食品为先的礼数。All-sheep banquet, even edible also must first in the head with a bit of butter, sheep milk food first to the area.

随后,他碰了碰旁边站著的一个本镇居民的肩膀,礼数周到地开了腔。Then, touching the shoulder of a townsman who stood next to him, he addressed him, in a formal and courteous manner.

任何单方面强调礼数的优先性,或礼意的重要性的观点,都是片面的。It is a one-sided point of view to hold the quantitative priority of rite or to keep the importance of the idea of rite.

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采臣希望赤霞使用玄光术找寻采君,所以暂且放下礼数规条帮忙赤霞以长布扎胸。Mining minister hopes to use red chardonnay XuanGuang find jun, so put down statecraft rules help chek chardonnay with long cloth chest.

罗丝决定无视家庭和礼数滴压力在泰坦尼克号靠岸后与杰克一起生活,幸福似乎间隔这对情侣仅咫尺之遥。Rose decided to ignore the pressure of family and etiquette in the Titanic docked and Jack live together, happiness seems just minutes away from the couple.

事实上,碰到这样的场合,礼数告诉你应当去模仿他的行为——同样掏出你的智能手机,假装查看上面发生的所有事情。Indeed, the etiquette in this situation calls for you to ape his behavior — take out your smartphone and pretend to check all the things going on in your life.