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你挥动推杆的快慢。How fast you swing the putter.

或者能看到一个企业是如何增长的,以及现金流量增长的快慢。You may see why the business is growing its cash flow rapidly.

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节拍才是根本,所以速度指节拍的快慢The beat will do--control--that, so it's the pace or speed of the beat.

感光度表示感光材料感光的快慢程度。Sensitivity of the speed of light-sensitive photographic materials that level.

角速度,是角度随时间改变的快慢。Remember angular velocity is just the rate of the change of the angle over time.

缓冲速度的快慢由缓冲阀孔的通径决定。The buffering speed is controlled by the latus rectum of the buffering valve hole.

巷道开挖后内部应力变化的快慢表现在EME强度的变化上。The changing of EME strength reflects the changing of internal stress after excavation.

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星体大小的比例由乱流速度的快慢决定。The range of turbulent velocities determines the relative proportion of small and large.

推荐方案在具体针对性,执行的快慢或难易程度都有所不同。The recommendations vary in specificity and in how soon or easily they could be carried out.

粉煤灰混凝土碳化速度的快慢是决定其能否推广应用的关键之一。The speed of carbonation progress of fly ash concretes is a key point for their application.

神喜爱所有不同形式的音乐,因为不论快慢、新旧各音量大小,都是他创造的。God loves all kinds of music because he invented it all-fast and slow, loud and soft, old and new.

一项新研究发现我们对时间快慢的感觉是根据这件事情离我们的远近来判断的。New research found that time perception changes depending on how close or far an event is from us.

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同时,反应的快慢似乎与动作精度的关系大过与动作速度的关系。In addition, it seems that movement planning facilitates execution accuracy but not movement speed.

多段智能变频调速,运行时快慢控制输出恰到好处,确保运行平稳。Multi-grade intelligent timing inverter, adequate speed control ensures the machine works steadily.

磁化强度取向的稳定性及翻转快慢将直接影响到磁存储器的性能。The stability and fast switching of magnetization are key problems to the magnetic recording media.

它提供了一个时间尺度,这个时间尺度,描述了反应发生的快慢。Because it provides some timeframe, a single number that's a timeframe on which the reaction occurs.

输液速率的快慢对于患有心脏疾病和癌症病人化疗时具有一定的影响。Drip-feed rate has a definite effect on the chemotherapy of patients with cardict and cancer disease.

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跳远助跑的快慢较大程度取决于速度利用率的大小。The slowness and quickness of the run-up in long-jump mainly depends on the utilization rate of speed.

山羊胚胎脑和脊髓生长发育具有快慢交替的阶段性变化规律。The brain and the spinal cord has the fast and slow alternant phases developmental rule in goat embryo.

上发条转动表把快慢要适当,不要上得太紧,否则发条容易被发条盒里的油粘住。A rotation table speed should be appropriate, not too tight, otherwise easy to be a spring box oil stick.