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玉米丝黑穗病菌不能侵染高梁。Head smut fungus from corn did not infect sorghum.

玉米丝黑穗病直接损坏果德,造成玉米产量的严重损失。Head smut reduces maize yield severely because of its damage on ears right.

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不育系中,880A表现较好,但是易感黑穗病,需要改良。Among sterile lines 880A is a better A line, though it is susceptive in smut.

文中还对如何客观评价甘蔗抗黑穗病性进行了探讨。It was discussed how to objectively evaluate the smut resistance in sugarcane.

对丝黑穗病及叶斑病抗性均较好的品种为“吉单180”。The variety, Jidan180, is of a better resistance to maize head smut and leaf spot.

本文建立的甘蔗品种抗黑穗病评价体系是切实可行的。From above, a feasible evaluation system for sugarcane smut resistance was established.

研究结果表明,谷子品种资源对粒黑穗病的抗性存在着明显的差异。The study showed that resistance of foxtail millet varieties to grain smut were different.

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结果表明,谷子不同种质资源对黑穗病的抗性存在着明显的差异。The results showed that resistance of Foxtail millet varieties to grain smut were different.

不育性稳定,一般配合力高,抗丝黑穗病、抗叶病、抗倒伏。The hybrid is resistant to head smut aphids, leaf disease, lodging, drought and waterlogging.

高粱丝黑穗病菌2号生理小种和3号小种间在分子水平上存在差异明显。The marked difference between race 2 and race 3 of S. reilianum of sorghum existed at molecular level.

土传病害是威胁玉米生产的一类重要病害,其中茎基腐病、丝黑穗病和纹枯病发生尤为严重。Soil borne diseases are major diseases threatening maize production such as . stalk rot?head smut?sheath blight.

主要研究土壤温度、湿度及播种期与玉米丝黑穗病发生的关系。The relationship of soil temperature, soil humidity, sowing time and occurrence of maize head smut were studied.

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对玉米丝黑穗病、玉米瘤黑粉病、玉米茎腐病、玉米大斑病2006年和2007年的发生情况进行了调查。The Investigation about some kinds of maize usual diseases in Heilongjiang province in 2006 and 2007 was carried out.

培育抗病品种是防治丝黑穗病危害的最经济有效途径,而抗病育种成效取决于对抗源和抗性遗传机制的认识。Development of varieties or hybrids resistant to this disease is one of the effective approaches to control the disease.

这些酶活性的变化能够削弱或消除病菌对谷子的毒害作用,在谷子抗黑穗病过程中发挥重要作用。Changes of activities of protective enzymes were able to play an important role in resistance to head smut in foxtail millet.

结果表明,谷子感染黑穗病后,体内超氧化物歧化酶、过氧化物酶、多酚氧化酶活性均显著增强。The results showed that after foxtail millet were infected with head smut, three enzymes activities all increased significantly.

经分析发现存在携带病菌而不发病的植株,出苗后期保持适宜的水分可以减少玉米丝黑穗病的发生。So we can draw a conclusion that the disease incidence of head smut can be reduced if we keep suitable water after seedling stage.

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培育抗病品种是防治玉米大斑病和丝黑穗病危害的最经济有效途径,而抗病育种的成效取决于对抗源和抗性遗传机制的认识。Developing disease resistant variety is the most economic and efficient measure to control northern corn leaf blight and head smut in maize.

因此,甘蔗抗黑穗病育种的研究是当前甘蔗遗传育种和生产实践上急需解决的重大课题。So the breeding of Smut-resistant sugarcane cultivars is a crucial key topic in both inheritance and breeding of sugarcane and production practice.

利用丹340改良了黄早四类群玉米自交系吉853,育成配合力高、抗丝黑穗病的优良自交系津01和津02。Maize inbred line Ji853 form Huangzaosi groups was improved by Dan340, and selected excellent line cultivars Jim01and jin02 that with high combining ability and head smut-resistance.