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赤水桫椤自然保护区蕨类植物。Pteridophytes in the Chishui Alsophila Natural Reserve.

黑桫椤在灌木层中占优势地位。G. podophylla was the dominant species in the shrub layer.

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标题桫椤生物学特性观察及初步研究。Biological study and observation of the tree fern Alsophila spinulosa.

赤水桫椤自然保护区药用植物资源。Resources of medicinal plants in the Chishui Alsophila Natural Reserve.

赤水桫椤自然保护区野生观赏植物资源。Resources of wild ornamental plants in the Chishui Alsophila Natural Reserve.

研究认为在进化历史上桫椤可能经历了严重的瓶颈效应。Alsophila spinulosa possibility experienced severe bottleneck effect during its evolution.

此外,孢子囊内具16或64颗孢子之特徵也反应桫椤属植物在演化上的两个事件。The presence of 16- and 64-spored sporangia suggests two evolutionary events within Alsophila.

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“小西湖”景区位于五通桥中心城区,北距乐山大佛18公里,距峨眉山50公里,西距桫椤峡谷景区9公里。It is 18 kilometers from Leshan Giant Buddha, 50 kilometers from Emei Mountain and 9 kilometers from the Spinulose Gorge.

黑桫椤属植物起源古老,具有科学研究价值,本种亦适合栽培于阴湿处供观赏。It is a primitive tree-fern of value in scientific research, and also can be used as an ornamental plant for growing in sheltered places.

列述了赤水桫椤自然保护区内的受危物种,并对其现状及主要威胁进行分析,在此基础上对受危物种的保护提出建议。This paper lists the endangered plants and animals in the Chishui Alsophila Natural Reserve and analyzes their present situation and main threats.

贵州是珙桐、桫椤、秃杉等古生物种最后的家园。新生代第四纪全球性冰川气候席卷全球时,它们在这里躲过了灭顶之灾,成为“动植物的活化石”。Guizhouis the last home to some ancient plant species that survived the last ice age, such as the Chinese dove tree, spinulose tree ferns and Taiwania Flousiana Gaussen.

在莽莽林海中,被誉为“活化石“的银杏、桫椤仍在繁衍生息,俄罗斯白桦、日本落叶松、南方红豆杉、水杉在这里健康成长,这里是南、北动植物的交错汇聚区。A great variety of trees are found here, such as gingkgo and Cyathea, which are known as "living fossils", and the Russian birch, Japanese larch, yew, metasequoia and others.

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以肇庆九龙湖水源涵养林黑桫椤群落的代表样地调查资料为基础,研究九龙湖水源涵养林黑桫椤群落的特征。On the basis of the surveying data of water-conservation forest Gymnosphaera podophylla community in representative plots in Jiulong Lake area of Zhaoqing, its characters were studied.

从植物区系、种类组成、外貌形态和空间结构等方面报道了四川省荣县金花乡桫椤自然保护区桫椤的群落学特征。The features of the Alsophila Spinulosa community in Jinhua nature conservation zone were studied on the basis of the reserch on the flora, components, appearance and the space structures.

本文从植物区系成分、外貌结构和种间关联等方面报道了四川省荣县桫椤自然保护区的群落学特征。The phytoxoenological features of the Alsophila Spinulosa in the Nature Reserve of Rong County are reported from floral element, physiognomy pattern and interspecies correlation in this paper.