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与原形毕露的一个古铜色雕像。A bronze statue with feet of clay.

这种一较高低的念头就使你原形毕露了。The very idea of keeping up betrays you.

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经过这件事情,自私的他原形毕露了。His selfishness was exposed through this incident.

我早就认为他迟早会原形毕露的。I thought he would show the cloven hoof sooner or later.

他伪装得很好,可是一说话就原形毕露了。He have a good disguise, but as soon as he speak he betray himself.

相当多的人面对金钱的诱惑便原形毕露。Quite a lot of people will betray themselves when tempted by money.

再去欣赏她的作品,真的“原形毕露”了!Let me enjoy her work again that "shows herself in her true colors"!

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任何细致的调查都会使这个贪官原形毕露。Any detailed investigation would show true colors of the corrupt offical.

他的伪装很好,可是一说话就原形毕露了。E. g. He had a good disguise, but as soon as he spoke he betrayed himself.

我们经常不知道自己有多大的能耐,但诱惑经常让我们原形毕露。Often we do not know what we can stand, but temptation shows us what we are.

经过大家轮番地考验,他终于原形毕露。After everybody tested him several times, he finally showed his true colours.

等到你几周后“原形毕露”时,人们也许认为你这个人很虚伪。When your true colors show a few weeks down the line, people might think you're a phony.

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等到几周后你“原形毕露”时,人们也许认为你这个人很虚伪。When your true colors show a few weeks down the line, people might think you’re a phony.

我们一贯把他看作朋友,但在当前的紧急关头中,他就原形毕露了。We always regarded him as a friend, but he showed his true colors in the current emergency.

我们直把他看作朋友,但在当前的紧急关头,他原形毕露了。We always regarded him as a friend, but he showed his true colours in the current emergency.

美寿寿则行使法律权益彻底击败对方,使他们的违法行为原形毕露。Beauty is ShouShou exercise legal rights, so that they beat each other completely true colours the illegal behavior.

世界各国的统治者原形毕露,无力对抗拿破仑的光荣与伟大的理想。The sovereigns of the world, stripped bare by him, can oppose no rational ideal to the senseless Napoleonic ideal of glory and greatness.

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他曾尽力让他的伙伴对他安心,但很快他就原形毕露,吸收了一个被称为“古尔丹之颅”的强大术士神器的能量。Though he sought to appease his comrades, he soon reverted to true form and consumed the energies of a powerful warlock artifact known as the Skull of Gul'dan.

研究人员发现,录影过程中原形毕露的吵架类型,是预测当事男女有无心脏病隐忧的有效指标。The researchers found that the style of argument detected in the video sessions was a powerful predictor for a man or woman's risk for underlying heart disease.

不过,“挖补”假票的票面在被挖补的过程中,总会被刮去一部分纸纤维,因此,在光照下都会略显发白而“原形毕露”。However, "Wabu" fake tickets being Wabu the face in the process, there will always be scrape off part of the paper fibers, so a bit pale in the light of all the "true colors.