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他做得很识相。That is very sensible of him.

你们最好给我识相点!You had better make me understand to mutually order!

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要是她再想叫我做这做那,我会叫她识相点儿。If she tries to tell me what to do again, I'll tell her where to get off.

眼角开始有岁月的痕迹,可是偶尔还会有几颗不识相的青春痘。There are some marks on the angles of my eyes, and yet there will be some acne as well.

如果中国政府识相的话,就该好好想想为什么美国突然间在该地区变得如此受欢迎。If the Chinese government is clever, it would do well to think about the reason why the U.

我们可不可以搜寻一下这些识相,一般识相是有语音的,那就做语音的辨认。Can we search on these Shixiang, general Shixiang is a voice, then do the voice identification.

晚饭要是想吃肉汁小饼的话,今天就识相点!If you wa nt homemade biscuits and gravy for dinner, you'd better behave for the rest of the day!

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他的心全在他老婆和女儿身上,我只是一个用钱打发的不识相的女人。All of his heart is on his wife and daughter, I am just a cost money to buffet hair of don't know mutually of woman.

所以我们会第一个演,并且都会是第一张CD里的7首歌。之后我们会识相地滚下,把舞台留给这些出色的乐队。We'll be playing first and will be playing the 7 songs from our CD in order and then getting the hell of the stage and let the good bands play.

可瞧着眼前这形势,很识相的闭嘴,好奇心是有的,可还是不要去碰钉子了。Can the lo repair consideration on ex- this location and know very much to mutually shut up, the curiosity is certain, can be still not working to get a rebuff.

老子说,坚强者,死之徒,柔弱者,生之徒。这一点与我们一般的常识相较是大相径庭的。Laotse said that "Therefore hardness and stiffness are the companions of death, and softness and gentleness are the companions of life", which is opposite to our common sense.