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但“三叶虫”并非一个玩具。But the Trilobite is not a toy.

这只三叶虫补充道“我甚至还不知道他们长什么样!”I'm not even sure what those are!

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“三叶虫”的零售价约为两千美元。The Trillabyte retails at around 2,000 dollars.

这只三叶虫又补充了一句“恩,进化这事真是太帅了”。Added the trilobite, "Yup, this evolution thing is going great."

鲎虫比恐龙、三叶虫、猛犸象更长寿。Tadpole shrimp have outlived dinosaurs, trilobites and mammoths.

有骨的鱼、蝎子和三叶虫,混迹于海绵、水母和珊瑚。Sponges , jellyfish and corals were joined by bony fish, scorpions and trilobites.

“三叶虫”可以利用声波探路,从而自己打扫房间。The Trilobite can clean a room on its own, using sound waves to feel its way around.

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三叶虫可以利用声波探路,从而自己打扫房间。Thee trilobite can clean a room on its own, using sound waves to feel its way around.

地球上的大洋曾经到处都是类似于马蹄蟹的生物-三叶虫。The earth's oceans were once filled with horse shoe crab-like critters called trilobites.

简而言之,这个三叶虫化石是真实的,但“脚印”本身是很可疑的。In short, the trilobites in the specimen are real enough, but the "print" itself is dubious.

三叶虫是进化迅速的种型,并广泛用在生物地层学的研究上。Trilobites were rapidly evolving forms and are of widespread use in biostratigraphic studies.

端砚石、歙砚石、苴却砚石和永顺三叶虫砚石是我国南方代表性的砚石资源。The representative inkstone resources in south China are the Duan, She Juque and Yongshun ones.

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目的测定三叶虫茶的水提液和丙酮提取物中的总糖含量。Objective To determine the total sugars in water extract and acetone extract from Sanyechong tea.

目的探讨三叶虫茶的降血压作用及作用机制。Objective Inquire into the function and mechanisms of Sanye Insect tea of lowering the blood pressure.

贵州黔东地区中-下寒武统凯里组主要由粉砂质泥岩、页岩及灰岩组成,富产三叶虫。The Kaili formation in Eastern Guizhou, China is mainly made up of silty mudstone and shales abundant in trilobites.

它们一开始和三叶虫、广鳍类动物以及其他在它们灭绝之前很早就已经灭绝了的动物生活在同一片空间。They first shared space with trilobites, sea scorpions and other animals that went extinct long before conodonts did.

三叶虫是一种早已灭绝的海生节肢动物,是螃蟹、蝎子与甲壳虫等动物的远亲。Trilobites are an extinct group of sea-dwelling arthropods that are distantly related to crabs, scorpions and beetles.

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大部分在古生代岩层中发现的化石都是没有脊骨的无脊椎动物,例如珊瑚、软体动物和三叶虫。Most of the fossils seen in Paleozoic rocks are invertebrate animals lacking backbones, such as corals, mollusks and trilobites.

像三叶虫和腕足类一样的贝壳类生物是谁的祖先在岩石中得到一点提示,这些东西到处都是。Shelly creatures such as trilobites and brachiopods, of whose ancestors there is little sign in the rocks, are suddenly everywhere.

回顾建国以来对江南斜坡带寒武纪三叶虫动物群的系统古生物学研究。The studies of systematic palaeontology for Cambrian trilobites from the South China, especially from the Jiangnan Slope Belt. in last six decades are reviewed.