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日本政府力求搞清对美载核航母停靠日本港口密约。Japan seeks to come clean from secret nuke deal.

雅尔达密约,原名为〈苏联参加对日作战协定〉,英文名为。"Agreement Regarding Entry of Soviet Union The War Against Japan".

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斯密约瑟被接纳为第一大和先知,先知,和启示。Joseph Smith was accepted as first elder, and prophet, seer, and revelator.

他们的密约终于被揭露了,我常说纸是包不住火的。Their secret engagement was finally revealed. I always say murder will out.

我们镇上有一条俯临小瀑布的木桥,是幽期密约的胜地。A favorite place in our town is a wooded bridge over a little rocky waterfall.

第二次世界大战时,日本政府和德国订有密约。The Japanese Government had a secret deal with Germany during the Second World War.

第二次世界大战期间,日本政府和德国签订了一项密约。The Japanese Government made a secret deal with Germany during the Second World War.

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最终,当我五岁的时候,通过由约翰.F.肯尼迪总统协商的一个密约,我父亲从监狱被释放出来。Finally, when I was five, my father was released from jail through a deal brokered under John F. Kennedy.

他曾和戴安娜王妃有过一段绯色联系,最近几年据说在和电视明星及模特帕德玛·拉克施密约会。He was briefly romantically linked to Princess Diana and dated model and television personality Padma Lakshmi in recent years.

五月花密约的签署人和普利茅斯种植园的开拓者,被推选为30个一年任期的总督之一,领导殖民地度过了艰难的早期岁月。A signer of the mayflower compact and a settler of plymouth plantation he was elected governor for30one-year terms and led the colony through its difficult early years.