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卖方响应,向买方报价。The seller responds with the quote.

成本加成定价带有明显的卖方市场色彩。Cost-plus pricing of a seller's obvious color.

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在销售合同中,此债务人为卖方。That debtor in a sales contract is the Seller.

但是,卖方也想卸下风险。But sellers want to offload their risk as well.

买方向卖方出具意向书和保密协议。Buyer issues LOI along with NCND to the Seller.

卖方须与买方签订契约。The vendor signs a contract with the purchaser.

此时期权的卖方所承受的风险有可能是非常大的。So the risk of option's saller may be very large.

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卖方应将联系结果通过电报或电传及时报告买方。The Seller shall advise by cable or telex in time

这样,卖方等于成了公证人的雇主。Thus, the seller would become notaries employers.

这种方法比信汇快,卖方可以提早收到货款。The seller can receive the money at an early date.

在卖方市场中数倍的出价是很平常的。Multiple offers are commonplace in seller's markets.

ITW应审查和检查卖方的账簿和记录。ITW may audit and inspect Seller's books and records.

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卖方不能改变设备口及人孔的尺寸。Nozzle and manhole size shall not be changed by Vendor.

你能与代表卖方的律师联系吗?Can you contact the solicitors representing the vendors?

而卖方进一步的权利主张则不受影响。Further-reaching claims of the Seller remain unaffected.

买方与卖方为迟交货物发生争论。The buyer disputes with the seller on delay of shipment.

而卖出价就是,依据公式得出卖方的开价The ask is what you have to pay them through this formula.

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出货前买方支付尾款后卖方使得付货。The seller will delivery after the buyer pays the balance.

一般来说,包装费由卖方负担。As a rule, the buyers ought to bear the charges of packing.

即由卖方负责办理货物的出口清关手续。CFR term requires the seller to clear the goods for export.