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你们不同意就拉倒。Since you don't agree, let's drop it.

喧闹过后,她平安无恙,世贸没被拉倒。After all the commotion she is safe and sound.

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埃拉倒进化学制剂,然后用力搅动桶里的液体。Ella pours in the chemicals and begins agitating the tank.

总有一天帘子掉下来的时候我们会全被拉倒。One day the curtain will drop and we may all be dragged down.

他们从不问为什么我不去了,只是祝贺了我一番拉倒。They never asked why. They congratulated me, and that was all.

米奇在他家的楼梯上被绊到的时候,重力会把它拉倒。When Mickey trips on the stairs of his house, gravity hauls him down.

第54分钟,费拉米尼拉倒兰帕德吃到阿森纳队的第一张黄牌。On 54 minutes, Flamini became the first Arsenal booking for catching Lampard.

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当你挂在一个拉倒对这项运动的你自己的乌鸦,我们就有平安。When you hang from a gibbet for the sport of your own crows, we shall have peace.

明兰继续低着头,心道,您拉倒吧,唬谁呢?The clear orchid continues to lower the head, heart course, you drag down, menace who?

在雷鸣般的掌声中,按照传统,他被拉倒发言人的席位就坐。To the thunder of applause, he was then dragged to the Speaker's chair as is the time-honored tradition.

队伍得排多长,才会让顾客看着它说,嗯,拉倒吧,没办法,然后转身离去?How long does a line have to be before a customer will look at it and say, Uh-uh, no way, and turn around?

逆激流游泳是一项挑战,游得好的人把体弱的人拉倒岩石上来。Swimming against the fast current proves a challenge and the stronger swimmers drag the weaker to the rocks.

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大圣的速度太让人吃惊了,作为一个防守队员来说要防住他能做的就是踢倒或者拉倒他。Gareth goes on one of those amazing runs, and all a defender can do is resort to kicking him or pulling him down.

训练过的长刀兵可以用它来刺、砍或拉倒步行或骑马的敌人。A trained billmen can use it to stab, hack and drag down his enemies, including both infantry men and mounted troops.

拉倒吧宝贝!新官上任,并且下一次,当美国总统抵达的时候给我们准备好VIP楼梯。Suck it up, Buttercup! New Sheriff in town. And next time, have the VIP stairs ready when the President of the USA arrives.

“说了跟她没什么!怎么净扯她身上?”赵成材一甩袖子,“不说拉倒!”"Said a heel her naught major! How clean pull her body up?"Becomes useful one sleeves of jilting, " doesn't say to pull down! "

接着卡卡又施展出自己的看家本领直闯禁区,对方后卫不得已将其拉倒。皮尔洛的任意球打在了人墙上。Kaka then made a trademark run to the edge of the Atalanta area only to be held back but Pirlo hit his free-kick against the wall.

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当他进到庭院,他卸下了驴子上拖着的筐子,并且把莫吉安娜拉倒一边,对他说,“你必须保守一个神圣的秘密。When he came into the court, he unloaded the ass, and taking Morgiana aside, said to her, "You must observe an inviolable secrecy.

就是这个细节让那些坐着的人发虚,先是手从大腿上滑落,接着肩膀耷拉下来,脑袋倒向一边,然后自身的重力把他们拉倒在地或者倒在邻座的腿上。They shoulders sagged. The heads flopped to one side, and their weight carried them to the floor or into the lap of their neighbor.

毫无疑问,帕里斯是意大利队进军决赛的关键,在第72分钟博门蒂被拉倒后,罚进了点球。It was then Parisi who put Italy's progress into the final beyond doubt, blasting a 72nd minute penalty in off the post, after Bonometti was brought down.