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我这一生唯一赢过的一样东西,而且是确确实实收到了手的,是一辆装甲运钞车。The only thing I ever won in my life and actually received was an armored car.

研究了焙烧时硫酸盐的实收率和挥发分的排出量。The reclamation of sulphate and output of vola-tirnatter in baking have been researched.

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核心资本包括实收资本、资本公积、盈余公积、未分配利润。The core capital consists of paid-up capital, capital reserves, surplus reserves and undivided profits.

使用含有冰晶石或其他氟化物的活性熔剂能提高铝液的实收率。To recover aluminium from dross, a more reactive flux containing cryolite or some other fluoride may be used.

第12条公司制证券交易所之最低实收资本额为新台币五亿元。Article 12 The minimum paid-in capital of a company type stock exchange shall be five hundred million NT dollars.

第二十一条贷款公司的营运资金为实收资本和向投资人的借款。Article 21 The operating fund of a loan company shall include paid-in capital and borrowed money from the investor.

它是实收资本的一部分,增加了资产负债表里股本数额,列示在缴入资本的合计数中。It is part of the invested capital and it is added to the capital stock in the balance sheet to show the total paid-in capital.

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在法定资本制度下,一些公司的实收资本低于公司规定的最低资本或营业执照载明的注册资本。In legal capital system, the capital of many corporations, however, is under the bottom line or less than their registered capital.

为了提高硫酸盐的实收率,焙烧温度应接近或略超过硫酸盐的分解温度。In order to reclamate more sulphate, the baking temperature should be near or just over the decomposition temperature of the sulphate.

铁路国有化后,像这样的企业如雨后春笋般涌现出来,并吹嘘他们的总实收资金在1906年就已经超过了三千七百多万。Such enterprises, which mushroomed after the nationalization, already boasted a total paid-up capital of over thirty-seven million yen in 1906.

核心资本包括实收资本或普通股、资本公积、盈余公积、未分配利润和少数股权。The core capital includes the paid-up capital or common stocks, capital reserves, surplus reserves, undistributed profits and minority interests.

有限责任公司在创立时,投资者认缴的出资额,都作为资本金记入“实收资本”科目。Limited liability company in the creation, investors subscribed capital contributions are recorded as capital into the " paid-up capital " subject.

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认为资本收益率的内涵可分为实收资本收益率、自有资本收益率、总资本收益率、经营资本收益率、人力资本收益率。The author thinks that the intension of capital earnings rate can be divided into paid-up capital, owned capital, total capital, operating capital and human capital.

企业重组中清查出的资产损失,经批准后依次冲减未分配利润、盈余公积、资本公积和实收资本。The asset losses uncovered in the reorganization of the enterprise shall be offset with the undistributed profits, surplus reserve, capital reserve and paid-in capital in turn.

前项营业保证金之金额为其会员出资额总额或公司实收资本额百分之五。The amount of the operation bond in the preceding Paragraph shall be five percent of the total amount of membership contribution or five percent of the company′s paid-in capital.

申请人在申请办理被投资公司实收资本变更登记前,应先办理股权公司的股东变更登记。An applicant shall, before applying for registration of change of paid-in capital of the investee company, handle the registration of change of shareholders of the equity company.

企业重组中清查出的资产损失,经批准后依次冲减未分配利润、盈余公积、资本公积和实收资本。?。The asset losses checked in the reorganization of the enterprise shall, upon approval, be offset with the undistributed profits, surplus reserve, capital reserve and paid-in capital in turn.

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其中,新办企业的注册资金为企业在工商行政主管部门登记的实收资本或股本。In particular, the registered capital of a newly-established enterprise shall be the paid-in capital or equity that has been registered by the administrative department for industry and commerce.