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38“内页链接都够显眼吗?”How visible are links?

龙的血盆大口分外显眼,显然是一只凶险的野兽。A dangerous beast, this.

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在墙上显眼的地方挂着一幅画。The picture was hung on the line.

照片中我那胖得凹陷的大腿依然显眼。I still see my dimply, fat thighs.

他们看上去很显眼,非常显眼。They really look sharp, very sharp.

它看起来比其他颜色更显眼。It looks better than the other colours.

她手臂上有一块显眼的伤痕。She had a dilly of a bruise on her arm.

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红旗在蓝旗的衬托下很显眼。Red flags stand out against the blue sky.

他的高峻身材使他在人群中很显眼。His height makes him stand out in the crowd.

这些建筑在那部剧中很显眼。The houses prominently featured in that show.

她的皱纹在强烈的阳光下很显眼。Her wrinkles showed up in the strong sunlight.

这幅画在这白壁的衬托下很显眼。The picture shows up well against the white wall.

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他的红衣服在白雪中格外显眼。His red clothes stood out clearly against the snow.

俘获他的人穿着不显眼的黑衣服。His captor, a man dressed in discreet dark clothing.

首先,那鲜绿色的背景很是显眼。For a start, the bright green makes it highly visible.

他在审判庭上总想坐在最显眼的位置上.He always wanted the number one seat in the courtroom.

政治家的红头发让他在人群中很显眼。The statesman's red hair made him stand out in a crowd.

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乌鹟通常看起来会有比较显眼的领圈。Dark-sided Flycatchers often appear strongly "gorgeted".

别把贵重物品放在显眼处招贼.Don't tempt thieves by leaving valuables clearly visible.

这不会挥发,但会变得不再显眼。It will not evaporate, but it will become less obtrusive.