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许多鸟都飞向南方。Many birds fly south.

这风是向正南方吹。The wind is due south.

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他去过南方旅游He traveled in the South.

那艘船朝正南方航行。The boat sailed due south.

他们在南方过的冬。They wintered in the south.

当人在南方时,要吃秋葵。When in the South , eat okra.

在南方的天空中发着光。Glowing in far Southern skies.

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那船向正南方航行。The ship was sailing due south.

他滑稽地模仿她的南方口音。He mimicked her southern accent.

南方联盟军穿灰色制服。Confederate army was a vast gray.

海岸线从此处转向南方。I traveled south along the coast.

燕子秋天往南方迁徙。Swallows migrate south in autumn.

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戈壁滩沙漠正在向南方侵蚀。The Gobi Desert is inching south.

七月。南方。车站。The July. The South. The station.

并非所有南方口音都是相似的。All southern accents are not alike.

黄老哪里人,南方的?。Where are you from? From the south?

丙丁属火,位南方。Bingding is a fire, place the south.

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华盛顿州在加那大的南方。Washington State is south of Canada.

您好!这是南方航空公司。Hello! This is South Airline Company.

中国南方强降雨死亡人数上升至199人。South China floods toll rises to 199.