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保持赤子之心。Stay young at heart.

我要怎样才能更冲动、更有赤子之心呢?How can I become more impulsive and childlike?

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天真无邪又是什么,为什么应该要珍惜赤子之心?What is innocence and why should it be cherished?

我们随时准备牺牲生命,奉献一颗颗赤子之心。To sacrifice life and devote our loyal for your dignity.

你将放飞你那颗赤子之心——孩子们都是充满好奇的。You Will ReleaseYour Inner Child – Children are curious.

我想要用著纯真无邪的赤子之心唱出我内心山水景色的美。I want to sing my interior landscape with the simple artlessness of a child.

艺术家永葆赤子之心,有其生理、心理的原因。Artists keeping the heart of a newbom baby has physical and psychological reasons.

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这样的朋友有一颗赤子之心,我们能用心来彼此交流。This kind of person has a pure heart, so we can communicate with each other by heart.

我的书是为了那些仍存赤子之心的人们而写,不论他们的实际年龄为何。My books are intended for all those whose hearts are young, no matter what their ages may be.

的天地给照亮,在这片光辉之地上,怀着赤子之心的我们将奋发向上。To illuminate the world, on this piece of brilliance on the ground, with the we will advance.

如果用一个词来形容内心,我想最接近的词就是“赤子之心”。If there is a word to describe how I felt inside, I think the closest word would be childlike.

那天清晨,我迷失了道路,却找到了永存的赤子之心,这是我一生的幸运。It was the best luck of my life that I lost my path that morning, and found my eternal childhood.

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我们的哲理注重的是全心归依佛道的一颗赤子之心,这就是正道。The essence of our philosophy centers on a single heart that cherishes the path, this is The Way.

本书评作者王胜男认为,冯永锋愤怒、急切、尖锐的呐喊声背后,是他滚烫的思想和热爱自然的赤子之心。But Wang Shengnan perceives a strongly held ideology and love of nature behind the author's words.

永怀赤子之心,在逆境之中仍然不忧不惧,对明日怀抱著希望。Keep your innocence. Have no fear in the face of hardship and hold hopes for the rising of the sun.

全世界的母亲是多么的相象!她们的心始终一样,都有一颗极为纯真的赤子之心。The mother is how alike in the world! Their heart is always the same, there is a very pure pure heart.

像这样直率的表达是约翰逊作品的特点,他展现的是坦诚以对的赤子之心。Frank judgments like these are a hallmark of Mr. Johnson's work, delivered with almost child-like glee.

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这篇文章虽然用论文形式表述,却体现了一个中国汽车人的赤子之心,本刊编辑部转发此文深表敬意。Although it's an essay, it is full of pure heart of a Chinese autobots. We publish it to express our respect.

她们疾走职场,信步人生,有世事练达的智慧,也有烂漫天真的赤子之心。They scurry workplace, wander in life, there are world urbanity of wisdom, also have brilliant naive pure heart.

作家的职业决定着作家必须深怀悲悯之心、赤子之心和感恩之心。The profession of the writer force they are supposed to nourish the hearts of compassion, filiality and benefactor.