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这位法官真是明察秋毫。Everything is seen as clear as crystal to the judge.

然而,他的目光很快就变得犀利而明察秋毫了。Very soon, however, his look became keen and penetrative.

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他明察秋毫,几乎一切事情都注意到了。He has a good eye for detail and notices almost everything.

据说爱情让人盲目,但友谊却让人明察秋毫。It it said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.

这篇论文的毛病是明察秋毫而不见舆薪。The trouble with the thesis is that it strains at a gnat and swallows a camel.

总有人第一个得到消息,有些人更明察秋毫。Someone has to be first to get the news, and some people have quicker insights than others.

真正的直觉是来自你对不同事物的明察秋毫。It's, it's really intuition and instinct because of all the different things you're sensing.

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天蝎座的人有无穷的好奇心,这或许就是他们能如此明察秋毫的原因吧。The curiosity of Scorpios is immeasurable, which may be why they are such adept investigators.

在这样重要的比赛中你希望裁判都能明察秋毫。At this level, in a game of this importance, you expect to be given a referee that can see that.

可是,这点小动作,早已被唐朝明察秋毫了。However, this small action, has long been the Tang Dynasty discover the minutest detail in everything.

他的贫民窟小说以明察秋毫的笔触绘制了一副副真实的穷人和贫民窟的生活。Most of his novels give a realistic description of slum life and poor people with penetrating details.

某种在合理判断的可能性之外的事情正在我明察秋毫的眼睛前发生着。Something outside the possibility of rational justification was taking place in front of my incredulous eyes.

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只要你仔细的发掘,你就会发现她是如此美妙。反之,她也会使你明察秋毫、洞穿一切!As long as you taste it carefully, you will surely find it is delicious, and in turn, it will makes you clairvoyant.

猛然想到,只有他高高在上,普照一切,明察秋毫,天底下发生的任何事情,都不可能逃过他的双眼。Suddenly thought that only high above him, all weather, perspicacious, anything that happened on earth, can not escape his eyes.

我们必须都成为社会活动家,在这件事情上我们必须义无反顾,有耐心并明察秋毫,因为只要大多数人失去希望,那么整个世界就会失去希望。We must all be activists, and relentless, and patient, and brilliant at it, because as long as the majority are hopeless, there is no hope.

第二天,又一个家伙不小心踩到了鸭子,明察秋毫的圣彼得又来了,这一次又带了个极丑的婆娘。The next day, the second guy stepped accidentally on a duck and along came St. Peter, who didn't miss a thing, and with him was another extremely ugly woman.

不过,马伯格知道自己有「明察秋毫」的责任,协助政府官员避免「重蹈覆辙」,做出他到任前那些尴尬的错误声明。But Marburger does see his office serving as a faux pas detector, helping to avoid the awkward misstatements by administration officials that preceded his arrival.