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尽管如此,她的书依然瑕不掩瑜。Still, the merits of her book outweigh such flaws.

尽管也有不足,但瑕不掩瑜,它仍是一本优秀的论文集。Although there being some flaws, it is still a good thesis collection.

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目前栽培品种的粉红色苞片尖端带有绿色斑点,但是瑕不掩瑜。Current cultivars with pink bracts green spot cutting-edge, but have fundamental.

但瑕不掩瑜,在我看来,它仍然是中国最好的非营利性草根法律社区之一。It is still one of the best non-profit grass-roots legal community in China, at least in my view.

但瑕不掩瑜,在我看来,它仍然是中国最好的非营利性草根法律社区之一。It is still one of the best non-profit grass-roots legal community in Dhina, at least in my view.

目前栽培品种的粉红色苞片尖端带有绿色斑点,但是瑕不掩瑜。Kasalukuyang cultivars sa pink bracts green spot gilid pagputol-, kundi magkaroon ng pundamental na.

你做的红烧茄子虽然有点咸,但是香醇可口,瑕不掩瑜,我不该指责你浪费盐。You do red-roast eggplant though a little salty, but his flaws, mellow delicious, shouldn't I blame you waste of salt.

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尽管在线互动百科永远都不会达到完美,但是总体看还是瑕不掩瑜的。The communal online encyclopedia will probably never be perfect, but that's a small price to pay for what it does offer.

但是,瑕不掩瑜,第三部门作为我国事业单位改革的一个可行性趋势选择是值得我们去认真思考和论证的。But the defects cannot obscure the virtues, the third department unit as one feasible trend of reform is worth deeply proving.

当然,这一特别规定仍然存在一定的局限性,但是瑕不掩瑜,我们应该辨证地看待它。Certainly, this special regulation still had certain limitation, but the flaw did not cover the fine jade, we should dialectical regard it.

在2006年社会党总统提名人选的争夺中,他被赛格琳·罗亚尔以绝对优势击败,后者在党内的知名度使其瑕不掩瑜。When he ran for the Socialist nomination in 2006, he was roundly beaten by Ségolène Royal, whose popularity with party members outweighed her shortcomings.

然而,瑕不掩瑜,新型的零电压软开关仍然是一种较好的斩波器拓扑结构,在磁悬浮列车斩波器的应用上有着广泛的前景。Above all, the defects cannot obscure the virtues, this novel ZVS chopper is a preferable chopper structure, which can be applied in maglev chopper broadly.

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然而瑕不掩瑜,多斯曼先生通读了普雷维什的全部著述,并采访了许多与其关系紧密的人物,进行了无微不至的调查。But those minor flaws are far outweighed by the book’s strengths. Mr Dosman has read everything Prebisch wrote and interviewed many of those who were closest to him.

虽在近代史基本线索的“现代化”论等问题上似着力不足,但瑕不掩瑜,该书仍是继续探讨中国近代史基本线索及其论辩不可回避的重要学术著作。Though some problems, for example, the theory of Modernization, need further study, the book is still an important academic achievement in exploring the elementary clue of modern history of China.