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宽阔的帽檐遮住了他的脸。The wide hat's brim hid his face.

插一支天竺葵在帽檐,快乐吧!Stick a geranium in your hat and be happy!

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雨水从他的棒球帽帽檐上滴落。Rain dripped from the brim of his baseball cap.

另一个戴着旧帽子,把脸藏在帽檐的阴影当中。The other wore a battered hat, his face hid in its shadow.

扁农夫帽的帽檐下的双眼就像生活在煤堆里的人一样。Eyes like live coals peer out from under the brim of a battered farmer's hat.

一顶有宽大帽檐的帽子能为您的眼睛遮阴并保护你的脸部不受太阳的伤害。A hat with a wide brim can help shade your eyes and protect your face from the sun.

帽檐较小或没有帽檐的款式会凸出你的这些特征。The hat brim is smaller or has not the style of hat brim will bulge your characteristic.

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帽檐垂下来之后,她几乎都看不到城门了,因为那些植物都挡在了她的面前。With the brim down, she could scarcely see the gate for all the plants moving in front of it.

吉特再用手按按他的帽檐,涨红着脸,答谢这种表示对他信任的赞词。Kit acknowledged these expressions of confidence by touching his hat again and blushing very much.

戴一顶帽子。一顶带帽檐的帽子将会是你雨天跑步时最好的朋友,它可以帮你的脸挡雨。Wear a hat. A hat with a brim can be your best friend during a rainy run. It will keep the rain off your face.

一种大草帽或毡帽,有宽帽檐、高帽顶,尤其为墨西哥及美国西南部地区人们佩戴。A large straw or felt hat with a broad brim and tall crown, worn especially in Mexico and the American southwest.

沃尔佐根漫不经心地迈着步子,嘴角噙着半带轻蔑的微笑,一只手几乎没碰着帽檐,走到库图佐夫面前。With a half- contemptuous smile Woltzogen walked carelessly up to Kutuzov, scarcely touching the peak of his cap.

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一种由穆斯林教的男子所戴的没有帽檐的、通常为红色的毡帽,上面饰有流苏,它可以单戴也可以戴在包头巾下面。A brimless, usually red felt cap with a silk tassel, worn by Moslem men, either by itself or as the base of a turban.

鲁本礼貌地碰了一下他的旧帽檐儿,然后径自走出店门。Reuben respectfully touched his worn cap and walked out into the sunlight with the bay rippling in a freshening wind.

24岁的女演员布莱克抱着爱犬Penny,把帽檐压得很低,想相当低调的和瑞安一起离开他的住所。The 24-year-old actress, carrying her dog Penny, tried to keep a low profile in a hat while leaving Ryan's apartment.

他在阳光里眯著一双小眼睛,从帽檐下冷冷地打量这幢房子。Little close-set eyes squinting in the sun glare calmly surveyed the house from beneath the visor of his tight blue cap.

同样的头发,同样的侧面轮廓,至少露出在帽檐下的那部分是同样的,同样的走路姿态,只是比较忧郁些。The hair was the same, also the profile, so far as the cap permitted a view of it, the mien identical, only more depressed.

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他正要走进公寓的电梯,这时当他看见一个带着人帽子的人站在那里,帽檐低压盖着脸。He was entering the elevator to his apartment building, when he saw a guy with a hat was standing in there, hiding his face.

挤牛奶的男工们把帽檐弯下来,前额靠在牛的身上,眼睛盯着地面,没有注意到苔丝。The male milkers, with hat-brims turned down, resting flat on their foreheads and gazing on the ground, did not observe her.

我真希望我能遇见这位穿方格子裙的女士,她看上去好像把一两支花插在了她的稻草帽的帽檐后。I wish I could have met the lady in the plaid skirt, who looks to have tucked a flower or two behind the bow of her straw hat.