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2008年厦门卫视主题曲,大气磅礴,励志动听。The theme song of Xiamen TV , 2008. It's very magnificent and heart-stirring.

它把生物资料,矿产资料,水能资料和山峡旅游资源融为一体,大气磅礴是它的真实写照。It is the biological data, data mining, water data and integrate tourism resources gorge, Majestic is a true portrayal of it.

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孟庆功同志的书法,运笔圆润流畅、浑厚蕴藉、大气磅礴。Comrade the Meng Qinggong calligraphy, wields the pen clearly smooth, vigorous reserved and refined, the atmosphere boundless.

这种抑或大气磅礴,抑或阴柔晦涩的文化知觉正好阐释了现代文化和现代国民的文化心理。This or spacious, or unsuitable obscure culture consciousness just explains the modern culture and modern national cultural psychology.

无论全卷所显之大气磅礴,亦或是单幅的秀丽精致,皆是独一无二的艺术珍品。Regardless of the entire volume institute atmosphere obviously is boundless, also perhaps single width beautiful fine, is the unique art treasure.

展馆外形大气磅礴,集取了风雨桥、鼓楼、苗寨、银饰和山水瀑布等贵州特有的视觉元素。The pavilion's grand and magnificent appearance is a combination of unique visual elements of Guizhou, such as wind and rain bridge and drum tower.

他的报告文学具有登高瞵远的格局和壮丽俊逸的笔调,大气磅礴,激情昂扬,具有鲜明的政论色彩,是一位有独特风格的报告文学家。With features of far-reaching pattern, majestic tone and distinctive political characteristics, HUANG Gang became the excellent reportage writer with a unique style.

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天意、好运,再加上一位资本雄厚的理想家大气磅礴的激励,为他们提供了大规模试验的机会。Fate, fortune, and the headstrong inspiration of a theorist with very deep pockets had given them the opportunity to experiment on an enormous scale, and they seized it.

他个性鲜明的形象语言,大气磅礴的笔墨风格,具有咄咄逼人的视觉力量,触动心魂、予人启迪。His distinctive language of image and tremendous momentum of using pen and ink, bear aggressive visual power, penetrate into people's heart and soul and are very enlightening.

使得人类回溯遥远的远古时代,于原始中体会野性的激情澎湃,于搏击中体会人类的大气磅礴!Enabled the humanity to recall the remote ancient times time, in primitive realized the fond of the countryside fervor rushed, in assaulted realizes humanity's atmosphere boundless!

贾平凹收藏的大大小小的汉罐使他认识到什么是真正的大气,从而摆脱早期创作的阴柔风格所透出的小家子气,立志写出大气磅礴、大境界的作品。Those Chinese jars that he collect make him know what's genuine greatness, and get rid of his mean at his early creation stage because of his gentle style, and he is determined to write great works.